【导语】 ⼀年四季中夏天是⽕热的季节,因为它的浪漫、⾃由、奔放,所以深受⼈们的喜爱。夏天它没有忧抱琵琶半遮⾯的娇羞,完完全全地展现出⾃⼰的喜怒哀乐。下⾯就给⼤家分享下关于夏天的英⽂诗歌,欢迎阅读
  关于夏天英⽂的诗歌: "The taste of summer"
  We are together in the years of youth
  Beating horses
  Through the joy
  Crossing laughter
  Through the unforgettable and precious junior high school time
  that's it
  We have to separate
  The year of school
  It's a hot summer day
  We once won the championship on the military training field
  A declaration of friendship engraved under the tree
  Leave our cheerful footprints in the snow
  Every corner of campus
  I have found every memory
  It will be this way
  Haven't raced with you once
  Let’s climb the poplar again
  Also lie on the playground and watch the blue sky
  These ones
  It’s also a dream we didn’t realize.
  The spring breeze
  It will also usher in a bright summer
  Can this summer
  We are destined to separate
  Never meet each other
  关于夏天英⽂的诗歌:"Finding Summer"
  Along the mountain path
  Come to Guadi, fruit farm
  Release some sweat and tears
  Ask the earthL
  Fun forever
  Into the night
  Are you still lonely?
  The city's neon lights
  Lingshui Tour
  Cool heart
  Rural village under the big banyan tree
  People around the cool
  Where is the summer
  In your will
  Not summer come to you
  But you go looking for summer
  关于夏天英⽂的诗歌:"Summer Comes"
  Willows hold hands,
  Sunset is going.
  Trivial larvae garish,
  Go away,
  Summer is coming.
现代诗歌鉴赏  (b)
  The spring breeze is old
  The yellow flower is withered.
  Rapeseed corners are completely exposed.  Fast forward,
  Summer is coming.
  Mai Lang rolling,
  Apricots are numerous.
  The sour taste faded.
  Quick taste,
  Summer is coming.
  The song is loud,
  The sun shrieked.
  If the shade of the cover opens,
  Sleep fast,
  Summer is coming.
  Ming River aspect.
  The quiet night is cool,
  Summer is coming.
  Yunju Beishan,
  Yuzawa Nagata.
  The panic fire snake scurrying in the sky,  Hiding,
  Summer is coming.
  Mountain song leader,
  The bandits are short.
  A long list of pearls
  How nice the skirts are.