被困于地震做 英语作文
I never imagined that one day I would be trapped in an earthquake. 我从未想过有一天会被困在地震中。
The chaos and panic that came with the sudden tremors left me paralyzed with fear. 随着突如其来的震颤带来的混乱和恐慌让我惊呆了。
As the ground shook violently beneath my feet, I could hear the sound of buildings collapsing around me. 当地面在我脚下剧烈晃动时,我能听到周围建筑物倒塌的声音。
I tried to run for cover, but the debris falling from above blocked my way. 我试图地方躲避,但从上面掉下来的碎片阻拦了我的去路。
In that moment, I felt a sense of helplessness and desperation come over me. 那一刻,我感到一种无助和绝望的情绪袭上心头。
Hours turned into days as I remained trapped in the rubble, waiting for rescue. 时间在我被困在废墟中的等待中渐渐流逝,一时变成一天。
I clung to the hope that someone would come and save me, but as the days passed, that hope began to fade. 我紧紧抓住着希望有人会来救我,但随着时间的流逝,这份希望渐渐消失。
The fear of being buried alive consumed my every thought, and I struggled to keep myself calm. 被活埋的恐惧占据了我的每一个想法,我努力让自己保持冷静。
I knew that I had to conserve my energy and ration my food and water in order to survive. 我知道我必须节约体力并分配食物和水以便生存。
I tried to keep myself occupied by talking to myself and reminiscing about happier times. 我试图通过和自己交谈和回忆美好的时光来使自己保持忙碌。
But as each day passed, the darkness of my situation weighed heavily on my spirit. 但随着每一天的过去,我所处境况的黑暗笼罩着我的精神。