1.Here__________.You can see me in it.
A.are two photos of my family    B.is my family
C.is a photo of my family    D.are my family photos
2.There is a______ shop and two_______ shops not far away from my school.
A.sports; shoe    B.sports; shoes
C.sport; shoe    D.sport; shoes
3.With the ________ of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So we should do what we can ________ our environment.
A.development; to protect    B.developing; to protect
C.development; protect    D.develop; protect
4.Look at the________on the ground, and it’s telling us autumn has come.
A.leaves    B.leaf    C.leafs    D.leafes
5.—Look.There’re lots of______here.
—Great.We can make______soup.
A.egg;egg    B.eggs;egg
C.egg;eggs    D.eggs;eggs
6.—What is your _______, Lingling?
—I really enjoy reading _______ stories at night.
A.interests; interesting    B.interests; interest
C.interest; interesting    D.interesting; interest
7.—What can I do for you?
—Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and          .
A.some chickens    B.any chicken    C.some chicken
8.—It’s convenient(方便的) to travel from Suzhou to Shanghai by car?
—Yes. It’s said that_________is enough.
A.two hours drive    B.two-hours drive
experience可数吗C.two hour’s drive    D.two hours’ drive
9._______mother usually cooks for_______ at the weekend.
A.Lily and Nick; their    B.Lily's and Nick's; them
C.Lily and Nick's; their    D.Lily and Nick's; them
10.Thanks for the two _______________you gave(给)to me.
A.tape player    B.tapes players    C.tape players    D.taper players
11.—Kate, what do you have ____________ dinner?
—I have some____________, And I like them very much.
A./; chicken    B.for; chicken    C./; vegetables    D.for; vegetables
12.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s?
A.Is, rooms    B.Are, room    C.Are, rooms    D.Is, room
13.— How _______ is it from Xi'an to Dunhuang?  — It's less than 3 _______ flight.
A.long; hour's    B.far; hour's    C.long; hours'    D.far, hours'
观赏鲨鱼怎么养14.—Whose desk is it? Is it the ________?
—Yes. It is ________.
A.twins'; Liz's and Lillie's    B.twin's; Liz's and Lillie's
C.twins'; Liz and Lillie's    D.twin's; Liz and Lillie's
15.There was no bus in that small town. We had a_______ walk to get to the museum.
A.5 kilometers    B.5 kilometer’s    C.5-kilometer    D.5-kilometers
统战部工作16.I                to be popular in school, but now I get                attention everywhere I go.
A.wasn’t used; many    B.didn’t use; tons of    C.used not; many
17.—May I take your order,sir?  —________.
A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices
B.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice
C.Chickens with vegetable and two bowl of rices
D.Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of rices
18.—What would you like for breakfast?  —I'd like ________.
A.tomato noodle    B.tomato noodles
C.tomatoes noodle    D.tomatoes noodles
体育委员竞选19.There are many ________ animals in the zoo. I like pandas best. Because they are ________ cute.
A.kind of; kinds of    B.kind of; kind of    C.kinds of; kinds of    D.kinds of; kind of
20.These   aren’t   .They’re my brother’s.
A.pen;mine    B.pens;mine
C.pen;my    D.pens;my
21.Is that your ________?
A.a picture    B.photos    C.photoes    D.picture
22.Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in real ________ will improve skills greatly.
A.conditions    B.situations    C.events    D.positions
23.He has over 20 years teaching ________. I bet he is quite________.
A.experience; experience    B.experience; experienced
C.experienced; experience    D.experienced; experienced
24.—How many________  doctors are there in your hospital?
来月经吃什么水果好—________  them________  over one hundred
A.woman; The number of; is    B.women; The number of; is
C.women; A number of; are
25.—Let's ____________ some salad.
—Sorry, I don't like ____________ .
A.have; them    B.to have; it    C.have; it    D.to have; them
sports 运动;shoes鞋,复数;shoe鞋,单数。sports shop运动商店,固定短语;shoe shop鞋店,shoe是名词做定语,故用单数形式,变复数时,只需要shop变复数,shoe不变。故选A。
考查名词及非谓语动词。development发展,名词;develop发展,动词;protect保护。根据题干中“With the ________ of society”可知the后接名词,第一空用development;结合选项可知第二句含义“我们应该尽我们所能去保护环境”,“保护环境”是目的,此处要用动词不定式作目的状语。故选A。