Unit 10 If you go to the party,  youll have a great time
  副词(adv):certainly 当然;
  连词(conj):unless除非,如果不;if 如果;when当
If 引导的条件状语从句
  If you go thereI’ll go,too 如果你去那里,那我也会去
      从句          主句
  My mother will take me to the park if she is free
          主句                      从句
      在含有if 引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句为下列情形之一的,条件状语从句要用一般现在时。
      ① 主句是一般将来时(主将从现)
          If he comes,he will bring his violin
          If you leave,you won藿香正气水口服液t get gifts from Mrs White
      ② 主句谓语含有情态动词may/might/can/must/should等时
          If you want to lose weight,you must eat less meat
      ③ 主句是祈使句
          If you are not strong enough,please dont take part in such an activity
              如果你不够强壮,          就请不要参加这种活动
1、If we ______ take environmental problem seriously,the earth ______ worse and worse.
  A. dont; will be  B.wont; isnt  C.wont; is  D. dont; wont be
2、If Tom ______ the game,well give him a surprise.
  A.win  B.wins  C.won  D.winning
3、All of us will be happy ______ you can come
  A.while  B.if  C.but  D.or
祭灶是什么意思4、If Mr.Green _______ back, please let me know
  A.will come  Bes  Ce  D.had come
5、As a teenager,you _____ help your parents do some housework
  A.shall  B.will  C.should  D.must
6、四年级数学上册第二单元测试题For everyones safety, we _____ always remember that law against driving after drinking
  A.could  B.should  C.might  D.would
1、if you go to the party,you’ll have a good timeexperience可数吗若你去聚会,你会玩得很开心
  have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun ,玩得开心
  Enjoy oneself 享受自己
  Have fun 拥有乐趣/到乐趣
  They are having a good time in the park = they are having fun in the park = they are enjoying themselves 他们在公园里玩得很开心
2、half the class wont come 一半的学生不会来
  Half 有两种词性:
  ① 形容词:“一半的”,一半放在冠词the前面
      Half the workers come from Shandong 一半的工人都来自山东
      Half of ......  ......的一半
      Half of these apples are from America 这些苹果有一半是从美国运来的
      注意:half of 后面若接的是不可数名词,谓语动词要用单数形式
      Half of the money is mine 这钱有一半是我的
      Half of the classmates are boys 班上的同学有一半都是男生
  【拓展】 all,形容词:意为“全部的”
          All the students are from China 全部的学生都是来自中国
          All of my money was stolen yesterday 昨天我所有的钱都被偷了
3、let ’s order food from a restaurant 让我们在餐厅订购食物吧!
写的英文过去式        ①订购,下单
          Order 从某处订购某物
          Would you like to order some bread?你需要点一些面包吗?
          I order some clothes from that shop 我从那家商店订购了一些衣服
          Order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事
          The general orders the soldiers to leave for next city at once将军命令士兵们立刻动身前往下一个城市
          In order to+动词原形 = in order that(句子),意为“为了......”
          He gets up early in order to catch the early bus = He gets up early in order that he can catch the early bus为了赶上早班车,他早早就起床了
4、If we ask people to bring food,they’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate
        ① 询问,问:the teacher asked us “Do you finish homework?” 
        ② 要求 ; ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事
                  My parents ask me to go home on every weekend
                  The teacher asks the students not to play outside
It is time for class,Mr.King asked all the children ______ down quietly
  A.sit  B.sat  C.to sit  D.sitting
5、Theyll be too lazy to cook 他们会懒得不想煮饭
o... 太......以至不能...
黄花鱼的功效与作用Too + 形容词/ 副词 + to +动词原形
He is too fat to run fast 他太胖了以至不能跑得快
His father is too poor to send him to school 他父亲太穷了以至不能送他上学
He runs too slowly to catch up with Mike 他跑得太慢了以至于追不上麦克
是初中重点学习结构之一,它可以与so... 和ugh to
So+形容词/副词 +that(句子)
  He is too fat so that he cant run fast
  His father is so poor that he cant his child to school