1. The “Chinese Dream” is ______ dream to improve people’s well-being and ______ dream of harmony, peace and development.
A. the; a            B. a; a            C. a; the            D. the; the
2. Animals are obviously ______ lower form of life than _______ man.
A. a; /            B. the; the        C. a; the            D. /; /
3. It was ______ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across ____ night sky.
A. 不填;a        B. a; the              C. the; a              D. the; 不填
4. Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _______ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in _____
__ I thirteenth century.
A. the; a            B. a; /            C. /; the            D. the; the
5. Four and _______ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and _______ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.
A. a; a            B. the; the        C.不填;the        D. a; 不填
6. India attained _______ independence in 1947, after _______ long struggle.
A.不填;a            B. the; a            C. an; 不填        D. an; the
experience可数吗7. People develop ______ preference for a particular style of learning at ______ early age and these preferences affect learning.
A. a; an            B. a; 不填        C. 不填; the        D. the; an
8. The parents were shocked by _______ news that their son needed _______ operation on his knee.
A. a; /            B. the; /            C. the; an        D. a; an
9. The Smiths don’t usually stay at _______ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ________ sea.
A. /; a            B. the; the        C. /; the            D. the; a
10.    The development of industry has been _______ gradual process throughout _______ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.
A. 不填, the        B. the; a            C. a; 不填        D. a; a
11. Carl is studying _______ food science at college and hopes to open up _______ meat processing factory of his own one day.
A. / ;a            B. / ;the        C. the; a            D. the; the
12. Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George.
A. /;/            B. the;/        C. the;the        D. /;the
13. I woke up with _______ bad headache, yet by _______ evening the pain had gone.
A. the; the        B. the; an            C. a; the            D. a; an
14. Sarah looked at _______ finished painting with _______ satisfaction.
A.不填;a        B. a; the            C. the; 不填        D. the; a
15. Being able to afford _______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times.
A. the; the        B. a; a            C. a; 不填        D. 不填;a
1. B。依照句意,中国梦是一个……的梦和一个……的梦,可知,两空都用不定冠词a,答案选B。
2. A。第一空表示“一种生命的形式”;第二空man表“人类”,不用冠词。
3. B。第一空“一个冰冷的冬夜”,应用不定冠词a;第二空“夜空”,指独一无二的事物用定冠词the。
4. D。第一空指独一无二的事物用the;第二空为固定短语,表示在多少世纪“in the -th century”,需加定冠词。故答案为D。
5. A。第一空表示“四个半”应用four and a half;短语a break表示“休息一会儿”,故答案选A。
6. A。第一空“获得独立”,independence为抽象名词,前不加冠词;第二空“在一个长期的斗争之后”,用不定冠词a。
7. A。短语a 对……的偏好;at an early age在年纪专门小时,故均填不定冠词。
8. C。第一空news后带有that引导的同位语从句,故应该特指;第二空译为“他们的亲小孩需要做一个手术”,使用不定冠词。
9. C。hotel为复数,前可不能用定冠词the来修饰;江、河、湖、海前要加定冠词。
10. C。第一空process是可数名词,第一次显现一样用不定冠词,且此次表示“一个”的概念;第二空existence是不可数名词,其此处表示抽象概念,故用零冠词。
11. A。science是不可数名词,后面的factory是一个可数名词,用a 表示泛指。
12. D。句意:Sam被任命为工程部经理取代了George。表示官衔职务的名词作补语和同位语时,前不加冠词。在题干中,manager表示职务,作主语补足语,不需要加冠词,而第二个空白处为固定短语take the place of是“代替,取代”之意。
13. C。第一空表示泛指;第二空为固定用法,用定冠词the,故选C项。
14. C。第一空特指“差不多画完的画”;第二空考查介词短语with satisfaction意为:中意地,作状语。此处satisfaction为抽象名词,在此短语中不用冠词。句意:Sarah中意地看着那幅已画完的画。
15. B。此处考查抽象名词具体化。第一空中的a drink意为“一杯饮料”;第二空中的a comfort意为:一件令人安慰的事。句意:在那些艰巨的岁月里,能买得起一杯饮料是一种莫大的安慰。
1. There is _______ picture of _______ elephant on _______ wall.
2. This is _______ useful book. I’ve read it for _______ hour.
3. _______ elephant is much heavier than _______ horse.
4. _______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _______ day.
5. Let’s go out for _______ walk.
6. It’s too hot. Open _______ door, please.
7. There is _______ woman over there. _______ woman is Meimei’s mother.
8. _______ sun rises in _______ east.
9. _______ Changjiang River is _______ longest river in _______ China.
10. Are you going to do it _______ second time?
11. Washington is _______ capital of _______ USA.
12. _______ Turners are living at the end of _______ Turner Street.
13. He joined the army in _______ spring of _______ 2021.
14. _______ old man is _______ teacher. He likes playing _______ basketball after _______ supper.
15. After I had _______ quick breakfast, I hurried to school.
16. Are _______ sheep kept by _______ farmers for producing _______ wool and _______ meat?