(Teaching aims and demands)
1. Make a plan for a trip
2. Tip on trip
experience可数吗3. Design an eco-travel for the local tourism
4. Travel on holiday and write postcards or travel notes
1. 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)
Where would you prefer going…? When are you going off to…?
How would you like to go to… ? How are you going to…?
2. 祝愿(Wishes)
Have a good trip. Have a nice / pleasant trip.
consider means transportation board experience simply vacation nature basic equipment simple tip poisonous paddle stream normal excitement adventurous handle similarity particular poison separate combine task
get away from watch out protect sb / sth from see sb off on the other hand as well as
1. 描述或表达目前正在发生的事件或出现的情况。
Adventure travel is becoming more and more popular.
Look! He is waiting at the gate.
2. 描述或表达他人或自己的计划、打算。
Bob is coming with me to the airport.
How are you getting there?
一霎时的意思How long are you staying in Xi’an?
重点1 ☆☆☆
What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?在你决定你会用哪种交通工具之前,你该考虑些什么?
①you will use为定语从句,修饰which means of transportation,省去了关系代词that或 which.
②means手段方法,单复数相同.常用于下面短语中by this/that/these/those means通过这(那,这些,那些)方法(手段).by means of通过……的方式。by no means决不。
Thoughts are expressed by means of words。思想是借助语言文字来表达的。
He hopes to solve the problem by peaceful means.他希望通过和平的手段来解决问题。
There seems no means of knowing it.似乎无法知道它。伊犁景点
①v. 考虑、思考。后接名词或动名词或疑问词 + 不定式或从句。
e.g. We must consider it very carefully.我们必须认真考虑这件事。
We considered going to see the film.我们考虑去看这部电影。
He was considering how to do the work.他正在考虑怎样做这项工作。
He considered how he should answer the question.他考虑怎样回答这个问题。
e.g. He considered me(as)a friend.他把我当成朋友。
They considered me too young to do the work.他们认为我太年轻,不能干这份工作。
They considered me too young to do the work.他们认为危险还没有过去。
We considered him to be a good student.我们认为他是个好学生。
We considered him to have seen the film.我们认为他已看过这部电影。
He is considered to have much experience.他被认为富有经验。
The situation there was considered to be very good.大家认为那里的形势非常好。
重点2 ☆☆☆
Imagine that you have a machine that let’s you travel in time.
travel in time旅行于时间的征程。
imagine v. 想像,设想。
Imagine a house with a big garden.设想有一所带有大花园的方子。
Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?
重点3 ☆☆☆
Hi, Andy. Where would you prefer going?
There is tea or coffee. Which would you prefer?有咖啡或茶,你喜欢哪样?
I prefer walking to cycling.我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车。
Their father prefers them to be home early.他们的父亲希望他们早点回家。
She prefer to be alone.她宁愿独自一人。
重点4 ☆☆☆
Oh, I believe traveling in space will be easy then.我想像到那时在太空中旅行会很容易。
space前一般不加冠词(如果有形容词修饰可加冠词),而earth, moon, sun, universe, world前面则必须加冠词。
e.g. Man is able to travel in space now.人类现在可以在太空中旅行。
1.☆☆☆ consider意为“考虑”时,后面可接四种形式作宾语:名词、动名词、疑问词 + 不定式以及宾语从句,意义为“认为,把……看做”时,后面常接宾语从句或不定式的复合结构。解答此类试题首先要根据题意,确定consider的具体意义,再根据意义确定后面宾语的形式,另外consider也常用于被动语态中,但此时后面应接不定式而不接动名词作主语补足语。
2.☆☆☆ mean方法、手段、工具,单复数同形,要根据具体语境确定其单复数,它常用于下面一些短语中,by means of通过……的方式,by this/that/these/those means通过这种(那种,这些,那些)方式。way常与in连用,in this way用这种方法。means为动词,意为“打算”时后接不定式,意为“意味着”时后接动名词。meaning为名词,意为“意义,含义”。
3.☆☆☆ imagine想像、设想,后面常接五种形式作宾语:名词,动名词,从句,imagine…as以为是,imagine sb./sth. to be + 名词或形容词。
4.☆☆☆ prefer宁可、宁愿、更喜欢,后面可接名词、动名词或不定式作宾语,它本身是指两个中更喜欢哪一个,因而句子中不再出现比较级。表示“宁愿……也不……”的几个短语及其后面所接的形式应引起注意:prefer + 名词 + to + 名词;prefer doing to doing; prefer to do rather than(to) do; would rather do than do .
5.☆☆☆ space太空、空间,前面一般不加冠词,如果有定语修饰可在前面加冠词,而表示独一无二的另外的一些名词如sun, earth, moon, universe, world前面应用定冠词。
6.☆☆☆ 英语中动词不能作主语,但动词不定式和动名词可以用作主语,动名词作主语相当于单数第三人称作主语,因而谓语动词应用单数形式。
重点1 ☆☆☆
Many of today’s travelers want to have a new experience from their traveis and some of them wish to have an adventure.现在的许多游客都希望从他们的旅游中享受到新的体验,其中还有些人希望进行有刺激的冒险活动。
travel v. 行走、行驶、旅行、游历、(光等)传播。
I love to go traveling.我喜欢旅行。
We traveled all over the country.我们游遍全国各地。
She travels to work by bike.她骑自行车去上班。
News travels quickly these days.近来消息传播得很快。
travel n. (泛指)行走、行驶、旅行(尤指出国),不可数。
Travel in the mountains can be slow and dangerous.走山路有时又慢又危险。