Chapter 1

考点1 do sth. a lot / a lot of +可数复数、不可数名词
例句:There are a lot of swimmers in the pool. 有许多游泳者在游泳池(L5, P7)
试题:She liked bread very much and she ate ______.
A. many B. very much C. a lot of D. a lot (D)
考点2a few肯定意义 / few 否定意义, 在反义疑问句中注意前否后肯,回答用事实判断法。
例句:There are a few swimmers in the pool. 有一些游泳者在游泳池。(L5, P7)
试题:1. There are few mistakes in your homework, _______?
A. do there B. dont there C. are there D. arent there ( C )
回答:Yes, there are. I am a little careless. / No, there arent. Ive checked it twice.
我的朋友普通话三分钟范文There are only _______ apples. We should buy some.
A. a little B. little C. a few D. few (C)
(only a little/few, just a little/few, very little / few )
考点3a little/ little
例句:There is a little water in the pool. 有一点水在游泳池(L5, P7)
试题:There is very ______water in the bottle.
A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( C )
He was thirsty because he drank ______ water.
A. a little B. little C. few D. a few (C)
考点4turn off 注意代词it / them 做宾语要中置
例句: Turn that tap off. 关闭水龙头(L3, P7)
女头像贴吧试题:Turn that tap off. (写同义句)
斗志昂扬的反义词Switch that off.
Dont forget to turn off the lights when you go out.
Remember to switch off the lights when you go out.
---The TV is too loud. Would you please___?
A turn it down B turn down it C turn up it D. turn it up (A)
When you leave the room, please _____ the light.
A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down (C)
另, sth. be on / off 的用法
chifure考点5:感官动词+形容词, 区别 look happy look at sth. happily
例句:The voice sounded angry. 声音听起来很生气(L7, P7)
试题: ---I dont feel _____. Maybe Im a little hungry.
----The apple looks _____. Do you want to eat?
A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good (D)
考点6until 维也纳森林的故事肯定句中主句是 延续性动词
例句:I waited here until you called me. 我一直等知道你叫我 (倒数L11, P7)
试题: I _______watch TV _________ I finished my homework.
A. notuntil B. didntuntil C. wasntuntil D. /until B
I didnexperience可数吗t go to bed until I finished my work. (写同义句)
I didnt go to bed before I finished my work.