Unit 3 学案
1. consider的基本用法。
vt. 考虑、思考。后接名词或动名词或疑问词 + 不定式或从句。
e.g. We must consider it very carefully.我们必须认真考虑这件事。
We considered going to see the film.我们考虑去看这部电影。
He was considering how to do the work.他正在考虑怎样做这项工作。
He considered how he should answer the question.他考虑怎样回答这个问题。
e.g.  He considered me(as)a friend.他把我当成朋友。
They considered me too young to do the work.他们认为我太年轻,不能干这份工作。
We considered him to be a good student.我们认为他是个好学生。
We considered him to have seen the film.我们认为他已看过这部电影。
He is considered to have much experience.他被认为富有经验。
The situation there was considered to be very good.大家认为那里的形势非常好。
2. means方法、手段、工具,单复数同形,要根据具体语境确定其单复数,它常用于下面一些短语中,by means of通过……的方式,by this/that/these/those means通过这种(那种,这些,那些)方式。by no means决不。
experience可数吗way常与in连用,in this way用这种方法。means为动词,意为“打算”时后接不定式,意为“意味着”时后接动名词。meaning为名词,意为“意义,含义”。
e.g. Thoughts are expressed by means of words。思想是借助语言文字来表达的。
He hopes to solve the problem by peaceful means.他希望通过和平的手段来解决问题。
There seems no means of knowing it.似乎无法知道它。
3. experience  n. 经验,不可数名词经历,可数名词
            vt. 体验
experienced adj.有经验的,老练的,熟练的
工资薪金制度范本e.g. Our country has experienced great changes in the last fifty years.
  She is a teacher with twenty years’ experience.
  Our journey was quite an experience.
He experienced great hardship for the first time in his life.
He is very experienced in money matters.
4. watch out 当心,小心。如果加宾语,需借助介词for
e.g. Watch out! There is a car coming.
  Watch out for cars when you cross the street.
  Watch out for the thief while you are shopping.
5.建文帝danger n.  危险,为抽象名词,常用作不可数名词,可用于下面短语中:in danger在危险中,be in danger of有……危险,out of danger脱险,其形容词为dangerous。
e.g. We should help others whenever they are in danger.我们应当帮助有危险的人们。
He was in danger of losing life at that time.他那时有生命危险。
He has been very ill,but the doctors say that he is now out of danger.
区别:dangerous 和in danger
dangerous 表示“危险的”,指句子的主语对别人有危害。in danger表示“处于危险的状态里”,指句子的主语的处境。
e.g.(1) He told me that the girl was in danger, so I went to help her.
爱字图片  (2) The man was dangerous, we must be careful with him.
e.g. A busy street is a danger to children.
Do you know the dangers of smoking?你知道抽烟的危害性吗?
6. protect vt. 保护
e.g. The soldiers were fighting to protect their country.战士们正在为保卫祖国而战。
②protect … from保护……不受……的影响, 而prevent/stop/keep…from…意为“阻止……做某事”
e.g. (1) The doctors try to protect people from SARS.医生们努力保护人民不受到非典的影响。
称字组词(2) I will protect you from danger.我会保护你不受到危险(威胁)。
(3) The trees will protect the sand from being washed away.这些树会保护土壤不被冲走。
(4) The rain prevented us from going out.
(5) We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun.
(6) We wear sunglasses to prevent the sun from hurting our eyes.
7. as with hiking = as it is with hiking 就像进行徒步旅行一样,作方式状语,其中it is 省略。
as引导的状语从句中如果是it is+ 表语,it is可以省略,如as soon as possible = as soon as it is possible.
e.g. As (it is) with many developing countries, China is in great need of science and technology.
e.g. As (it was) with two years ago, some parents try to send their children to key schools.
8. separate  vt. 分开,分隔,分散
e.g. (1)The  Channel separates France and England.
  (2) We talked until midnight and then separated.
(3) Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.
    adj. 单独的,分隔的,隔开的
e.g.(1) They have gone to separate places.
  (2) The children sleep in separate beds.
  separate 与divide的区别
separate 是指把原来在一起的东西或人分开,隔开。
e.g. Separate the two boys who are fighting, will you?
  Father divided the cake into six parts for us.
9. prefer宁可、宁愿、更喜欢,后面可接名词、动名词或不定式作宾语,它本身是指两个中更喜欢哪一个,因而句子中不再出现比较级。
There is tea or coffee. Which would you prefer?有咖啡或茶,你喜欢哪样?
I prefer walking to cycling.我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车。
Their father prefers them to be home early.他们的父亲希望他们早点回家。
She prefer to be alone.她宁愿独自一人。
prefer + n. / doing
prefer + to do / sb. to do
prefer A to B
prefer to do rather than do
10. as well as的用法
(1)as well as作“和、同”解,具有连词性质,常用来连接两个并列的成分。如果连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词应当与前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
e.g. Einstein was a violinist as well as a physicist.
She is clever as well as beautiful.
My son as well as I enjoys music.
The teacher as well as the students wants to go there.
(2)在表达“不但……而且……”之意时,“as well as”侧重前项,而“not only…but also…”侧重后项。连接并列主语时,“not only…but also…”按照就近一致的原则确定谓语动词的形式。如: