可数名词是指可以用数目来计算的名词。可数名词包括个体名词、大多数的集体名词和少数的抽象名词。如:a bottle , a desk , a horse , an army , a crowd , a hope , a proposal
不可数名词:是指不可以直接用数目来计算的名词,不可数名词包括大多数的抽象名词和物质名词。如:work , peace 和平, cotton 棉花 , air , dust , milk
西游记思维导图如:a loaf of bread 一块面包;a piece of information ; a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力
A sheet of paper 一张纸;a drop of water , a pair of gloves一双手套,
a bunch of keys一串钥匙;冬天煲什么汤好a pack of cards 一副牌 a basket of peaches一篮桃子
a set of books 一套书
1. The study of (    )  can be very interesting.
A. history  B. histories  C.  a history  D. the history
2. They have removed (    ) of this house.
A. the furnitures    B. furnitures    C. the furniture    D. a furniture
在雨中等你3. They like to eat (    ) of the restaurant
A. fishes and beef    B. fish and beef  C. fish and beefs    D. fishes and beefs
4. Do you like (    )?
A. sport    B. a sport    C. sports  D. the sports
5.I’ve bought (    ).   
A. new iron  B. a new iron  C. the new iron  D. iron
6. I had (    ) the other day.
A. strange experience  B. the strange experience  C. a strange experence  D. experience
7. (    ) is my hobby.
A. A painting  B. The painting  C. Paintings  D. Painting
8.You need (    ) scissors.
A. a piece of    B. a cake of  C. a pair of    D. a sheef of
9. We think he has a very happy (    ).
藕丁A. family  B. failies  C. house  D. houses.
10. There is too much (    ).
A. talk  B. a talk  C. talks  D. the talk
11. Your daughter is quite (    )
A. beauty  B. the beauty  C. beauties  D. a beauty
12. The book contains (    ) useful (    ).
A. a , information  B. many , information  C. much , information  D. much, informations
13. What she lacks is (    ).
A. experiences  B. a experience  C. an experience  D. experience
1.历史研究也能十分有趣。History是不可数名词,所以不能选 B/C,不是特指,不能选
D, 所以此题应选A
  此题应选 C
3. 他们喜欢吃这家餐馆的鱼和牛肉。鱼和牛肉是不可数名词,所以不选A/C/D,应选B
4.你喜欢运动吗?sport 通常加S,表示“体育运动”,不需要加冠词,所以选C
8.你需要一把剪刀。剪刀是复数概念, a piece of 一张,a cake of一块  A pair of 一双, A sheet of 一片。所以要experience可数吗C.
9.我们认为他有一个非常幸福的家庭。Family 意为家庭,house只是表示人住的地方。这句中用house意思不对,所以不能选C/D, 此题中的family,表示一个家庭,是单数所以A.
10.空谈太多。Much是修饰不可数名词,同时,talk空谈的意思,也是不可数名词,不可数名词无复数形式,所以不能选 B/C,不是特指,所以不选D.此题应选 A
11.你的女儿是一个美人。Beautybeautiful的名词形式,是可数名词,可数名词要加一个表示数量的词,所以不能选A/B, 前面用的is说明是单数,不选C。此题应选D
13.她多么缺少经验啊! Experience经验是不可数名词,没有复数形式,前面不加表示数量的词,所以不能选A/B/C,此题应选D
14.(      and (      );please.
  A. Two teas , four coffee    B. Two tea , four coffee  C. Two teas, four coffees
  D. Two tea, four coffees
15. (    ) is expensive these days.
  A. The beer  B. A beer    C. Beer  D. Beers
16. Nowadays , (      ) of English is very important to a person.
  A. good knowledge  B. a good knowledge  C. the good knowledge
17The whole class often (    ) the old do some cleaning.
  A. help  B. require  C. helps  D. requires
18. (    ) grazing on the meadow.
  A. The cattle was  B. The cattles were  C. The cattle were  D. A cattle was
19. Toward evening, (    ) came, which made things even worse.
  A. cold rain  B. the cold rain  C. a cold rain 
20. Some (    ) were seen loafing in the street.
  A. youth  B. few youth  C. more youth  D. youths
14. 二杯茶,四杯咖啡,谢谢!茶和咖啡作为单独的词用时,是不可数名词,不能加s茶叶蛋做法,但是用作几杯时,就是可数名词了,作为可数名词,表示几杯时,要加s.所以 C
15. 啤酒这几天涨价了。句中的系动词用的是is,说明前面是单数,而啤酒同时也是不可数名词,没有复数形式,不能加s, 不是特指,所以此题应选 C
置,真正的主语在后面,a good knowledge of English ,表示非特指的“一种”,所以此题应选B
17. 全体同学常常去帮助老人做一些清洁工作。句中有often 说明是一般现在时,一般现在时的肯定句是主语+动词原形/动词原形+s.此题中,require是命令,要求的意思,与题意不符,所以不选B/D, 主语是第三人称,但不是单数,所以谓语动词不能加s,不能选C。所以此题应选A
18.牛在牧场吃草。Cattle 牛、家畜,是可数名词,单数可数名词前加定冠词the 表示一类人或事物。所以应选A
19.到了晚上,天下起冷雨,做这些事情就更糟了。此题与16题差不多,时间状语前置,后面主语前加不定冠词a, 表示非特指。应选C
20.一些年青人看到街道上有面包。Some 后面跟可数名词,要加s,所以不选A, few是几乎没有的意思,与some意思相反,故不选B. more用于比较级中,此题没有比较的含义,故不选C. 所以此题应选D