1. You are no longer a child, you should have the       (能力) to face the problems bravely.
2. Today more and more teenagers choose to study     (到国外) because of better education.
3. I think all the students should take part in the after-school_______(活动) to make themselves healthier.
4. —Who is your favourite one among all the           (女演员)?
  —Audrey Hepburn. I think she is the most beautiful lady in the world.
5. When you answer questions in class, you should speak           (大声地).
6. When I was young, I was afraid to stay at home           (独自一人).
7. Gong Li is one of the most popular film stars in           (亚洲的) countries.
8. I didn’t __________(接受) this job because it was badly paid and it wasn’t very interesting.
9. My father passed away many years, I still remember the time when he was       (活着的).
10. Jackie’s       (成就) go beyond his career and has influenced people all around the world.
11. I like travelling and I like reading some interesting         thaad(文章) during my journey.
12. He fell         (睡着的) during the exam, so he failed it.
13. Canada is larger than any country in         (亚洲).
14. We had to start early in order to           (避免) the rush hour.
15. They have both behaved very           (严重) and I am very hurt.
16. The artists chose     (竹子) because it is light , strong and can survive all kinds of weather.
17. He is a popular           (艺术家) who has sold millions of records.
18. You have to           (平衡) work and your hobbies to make a happy life.
19. They are to attempt to be the first to circle the Earth non-stop by           (气球).
20. What are you running away from that this dream has such           (吸引力) for you ?
21. Don’t eat so many chocolate     (饼干), my dear! Otherwise, you will get fatter and fatter.
22. He was wrong from the very         (开始), but he insisted that he was right.
23. Skirts must be           (在……下面) the knee in our school.
24. His           (失明) is the result of a terrible accident.
25. I want to thank everyone from the           (底部) of my heart.
26. Are you aware of the differences between     (英国的) English and American English?
27. The hotel was completely     (燃烧) down and unluckily several people lost their lives in it.
28. After the charity show, they got much support from the local           (企业).
29. The two neighbouring countries have successfully reached an agreement on their
          (边界) problem.
30. The strong wind           (吹) away the thick haze the other day.
31. Many traffic accidents are caused by           (粗心).
32. We           (加拿大人) think and worry too much—and thus we think and worry too much about ourselves.
33. Life is full of           (机会), but they’re not always the ones we hope for.
34. Westerners are not used to eating with         (筷子), they prefer to use knives and forks.
35. Every year, on my birthday, I always blow out the           (蜡烛) and make a wish.
36. According to the university           (日历;挂历), your examinations will be in June.
37. For her, the new job was a           (挑战). But finally she found it meaningful and fun.
38. Bella showed a great interest in           (化学) when she was in the primary school.
39. Stephen Hawking has spent his           (生涯;职业) at Cambridge University, where he became Professor of Physics in 1977.
40. Unluckily, John’s father was           (指控) with murder when he was in his forties.
41. Thailand lies in South East Asia and is famous for its tourist           (产业).
42. The light bulb was one of the most important           (发明) of the 19th century.
43. Some of action films are full of violence with a bad           (影响) on teenagers.
44. This album(专辑) was my first           (首次体验) to modern jazz.
45. The government has built an           (国际的) airport in this city.
46. She is a model of a famous magazine and has much           (知识) of fashion.
47. It takes a long time to learn to speak a           (语言) well and we need to work hard.
48. The students are doing physical experiments in the           (实验室).
49. With the hands ripples over the         (键盘), a letter was completed on the screen soon.
50. We are planning to spend a week on the         (岛屿) of Thailand this winter holiday.