请以My Family’s Hobby为题,写一篇60-80词的短文。着重谈谈你和你的家人爱好是什么,为什么有该爱好以及爱好给你们带来的好处。
My Family’s Hobby
——Yang Yujie
My hobby is reading books. Because books can give me knowledge and bring me enjoyment. My mother’s hobby is growing vegetables in our gardens and her hobby has brought her success. My father’s hobby is looking after animals. Because he thinks animals are very lovely. He likes animals very much, such as dogs, cats, and rabbits.
This is my family’s hobby. What is your hobby?
My Family’s Hobby
——Huang Yi
Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative. My hobby is reading books . I like reading books so much. Books can give me knowledge and make me happy. My mother likes listening to music so much that she often forgets the time. She thinks that music can make her forget her worries. My father likes reading , too. Because they really bring him much enjoyment.
As we know, there are many other interesting things to do in life. But hobbies can develop our interests and help us learn new skills.
My Family’s Hobby
——Zhong Wenchao
Many people have hobbies, such as reading , painting , growing vegetables in their gardens and looking after animals. My father’s hobby is seeing films. Because he thinks it can make him feel relaxed. My mother likes watching TV. Because it can make her know something new. I like riding a bike. Because it can bring health to me. I often ride a bike with my friends at the weekends. We enjoy ourselves very much.
My Family’s Hobby
——Wang Jin
There are four people in my family. They are my father ,my mother, my sister and me. We have different hobbies. My father likes growing vegetables because he believes that it can make him successful and we can eat fresh food as well. My mother likes singing. She thinks singing is relaxing. We often hear my mother sing at home and it brings us much enjoyment. My sister’s hobby is reading. Books are very useful. We always talk about the books and the writers with each other. I like looking after animals. My favourite animal is dogs because they are lovely.
My Family’s Hobby
——Hu Rujia
Many people have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. My father likes watching TV. It can bring him enjoyment. My mother likes rea
ding books. Because books can give her knowledge and make her happy. My sister likes reading books ,too. She likes reading books so much that she often forgets the time. My hobby is looking after animals. I think animals are very lovely.
These are my family’s hobbies.
My Family’s Hobby
——Li Shuting
Many people have hobbies, such as reading, painting, playing tennis and growing vegetables. My father likes fishing. He thinks it is relaxing and interesting. My mother ‘s hobby is painting. It can bring her enjoyment. My sister likes climbing. She thinks it is very exciting. But I think it’s very dangerous. My hobby is reading. It’s relaxing and creative. Books are my best friends.
Everyone should have a hobby. Because hobbies can make us grow as a person, develop our interests and help us learn new skills.
My Family’s Hobby
——Wang Peng
There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother, and me. My father’s hobby is watching football match on TV. He thinks that it can make him feel relaxed. My mother likes cooking. It can bring her enjoyment. My hobby is reading . It can make me grow as a person and help me learn new skills .Books are our friends.
根据以下材料写一篇10句左右的短文,介绍你们的校报(school paper):
1. 校报的名字叫《新标准》,在2008年开始出版;2.校报有一名编辑,六名记者;3.每周出版一次;4.内容包括学校的新闻、体育、书籍、各科目等;5.同学们非常喜欢它,经常给校报写文章,每期必读。
相信大家都听说过“名落孙山”这个典故吧。在我们教室后方有一张纯黑的小桌子,名为“孙山桌”就是根据这个典故得来的。不仅幽默风趣,读起来也朗朗上口。可过了一段时间,这张“孙山桌”已经挂上了“求收养”的牌子,因为已经很久没人“搬”进去“住”了。呆呆地看着空荡荡的小黑桌,根本想不起它的上任主人是谁了?大家的表现都很好 ,可能没有人会再次“搬”入小黑桌,如果不是值日生经常打扫这张小黑桌早就蒙上一层灰了。