1. 关于"乡下旅游"的英语作文
1 Mar 09(One day tour to countryside)I like to take one day tour to countryside almost once a month to visit friends and relatives in countryside. I like to listen their stories, their opinions and see the changes of their lives. I go to countryside again and visit three families. (1) The first family lives a 40-50 years old couple and their 85 years old mother. The couple feed pigs, they have about 60 pigs now. They have a daughter who is working in the city now. They girl is a very saving girl. Each month she can earn 1000 Yuan fixed salary and 200-300 Yuan over-time pay. Every month she gives 1000 Yuan to her mother and only spends 200-300 for food and other living expenses. In many places of countryside china, the main pension, health care, further education come from saving and deposit money in the bank. Children in countryside are taught to save money since they are very young. The couple had a very moving love story when they were young. When they were only 20 plus years old, the
boy's family was very poor, but the two fell in love. The girl father did not want the girl married with the boy, even jailed the girl at home. The girl run out from home; they run to another far place and stayed there for 3 years. Three years later, they came back home with a baby. The girl's father still did not regard the girl as his daughter. The boy used 2 years time to build a house for him and his wife without any help from other people. He carried back stones one by one from mountains; and cut stones with hammer and drill; he cut trees from mountains himself using handsaw and axe; he made brick with yellow mud; he was the bricklayer and carpenter; he built 4 rooms houses with wood and glass windows. The couple worked very hard to build their own houses like 2 swallows sparing no pains. Later the boy learned to be a hairdresser; and then opened their small restaurant; and then started to feel pigs. Their life became better. But in year 2004, a sudden fire burned down in half an hour. Government gave him 2000 Yuan; villagers donated him some money; my family gave him 4000 Yuan. All villagers gathered together to help them rebuild a house. Bricklayers and Carpenters provided free work; ladies in the village cooked food for bricklayers and carpenters freely. Only 2 months, a new 4 rooms house sto
od in the same place. The 85 years old lady had lived a poor and hard life for almost her whole life. In almost her whole life she did not have enough food to eat. Only these 10 years, she could eat full. My dad and mum often visited her and brought her some food, clothes and other things. Every year before Chinese New year, my family always visited her and gave her 100-200 Yuan for Chinese New Year. Even now her son can earn enough money and her son is very filial piety. But it already becomes a habit, so every year, when visit her, still give her 200-300 Yuan. Pension in countryside rely on children. Filial piety is the most important moral in countryside. (2) The second family is an old couple. The man is 84 years old; the lady is 80 years old. All their children are living in the cities, but they don't like to live in city. The man used headmaster. The couple is a very rich old couple in the village at their age. The man is silk and only can lie down on the bed now. Their sons are very filial piety, and every week one son stays at home and looks after him. But all their sons have their work, so they want the old couple to move to city, so they can look after him easily. They ask my dad to persuade the stubbornning old lady. Finally the old lady agreed to shift to city. Filial piety is the most important; children must take good care of thei
r parents. If you lost the reputation of being filial piety, in this small city, you may lose a lot of opportunities. Business man would not like to do business with you. Friends would not keep close relationship with you. The couple also has a daughter which has 2 children, one girl and one boy. The girl was very cleaver and she was a very good student in her school. But 3 months before she was going to take the examination for university, her mother asked her to end her study and to look a job. Most of people in countryside still can not support for 2 children studying in University, so girls have to Sacrifice and find a job to earn money to support the boy to study in the university. Education fees are still very huge expenses for many families in countryside. Many good girls often lost their opportunities to further their studies. (3) The third place is a vegetable farming place. A lady named “flower” manages that farming place which belongs to。
2. 关于游记的英语作文 好句子
游记Today ,my family and I go to the shapotou .At first,a vast expanse of the desert.Mummy, tell me don't ever forget carry your kettle .we walk for hours in the sand . I f
eel very hot.Then,walking through the desert, we came across a beautiful oasis.We saw all manners of animals in mother and me are take a sheepskin raft .I had a very productive day.。
3. 关于写周末去乡下游玩的英语作文
We put off the family decided to go to Enshi to play.To Enshi, we decided to go to Lantau Peak to go to the park to play.At the beginning, we step by step, do not know tired. At the ghat Road, roadside trees intersect together, like a large patio, tree central there is a piece of open space, space display many stone stool, if tired, can rest on top, and then move on.Walk a road, I saw a polygon, hurried past, go in to look, which was absolutely empty, I doubt : does that mean we effort in vain! Gone most of the day, this is a piece of nothing.? We sighed, however, eyes still searching everywhere, at this time, the sun light shining golden light, a green mountain. Suddenly, I saw a path, then fly general ran in front of it is urgent and steep ladders, but we still hesitate to go down.Finally, we finally got to the park, see and in front of the same stone bench, we just sat down to have a rest.In summer, a few
hours of exercise, we have too feeble., large drops of perspiration a move down the stream, I thought: original climbing so not easy! Next to Enshi, I will come to have a look.。
4. 描写乡村田地景的英语句子
Gorgeous moon adorns spring night, with the earth. the sky like the face of the transparency of the sea, and quiet, broad, and mysterious. luxuriant star, like the sea sweet little fire, twinkling, a tiny light. the fields and villages, trees, in the quiet sleep, on the silver gauze. the hill, like clouds, like the sea island, as though to call the night cruise ships, and shining up a red light 。
5. 写一篇有关于乡村的英语作文
Yesterday we went to visit a village. On our way to the village, we were glad to see a lot of nice rice, vegetables and fruit in the fields. Also we saw new schools, factories and buildings.We got a warm welcome at the village. Some farmers invited us to their houses. They had moved to the new buildings. Their living room was large and bright. In it there were all kinds of new furniture. Nearly every family had colour TV sets, fridges,washing machines and some of them even have bought motorbikes. Everyone had a smile on their faces. It was said that some guests from a foreign country would come to visit it.We were very glad to find the farmers' life had changed a lot. We hope their life will become better and better.
昨天我们去了一趟村子。在去村子的 路上,我们很高兴的看到在田野里有很多大米、蔬菜、还有水果。同时,我们呢也看到了新学校、工厂和建筑物。
6. 关于我到外祖父家去的十五天在乡村游玩的英文作文,谢谢了 急用啊
City life and country life, which is better? The answer is not certain. People who live in the country want to be city people. In their thoughts, city is full of chance and adventure. Today many country youth leave their hometown for big cities in search of a lot of money and good jobs.
Wtih the development of industry, more and more pollution is coming out in cities. Citizens have to put up with noise, harmful smoke and dirt. The air is not clean enough for people, especially in the downtown areas. The majority of citizens are tired of overcrowded conditio
ns and bad environments. But in the country, the condition is obviously different. It is pleasant to live with green mountains, clear springs and grand plains. Blue sky, green trees, red sunsets and golden crops. Wow! What a lovely picture! So at present, more and more citizens are eager to escape from the city.