第一篇:新人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2必背词组及句子
八年级下Unit 2背词组及句子
1.hope to work outside 希望在外面工作 2.try out for…为……而参加选拔
3.help(out)with something帮助做…… 4.cheer them up让他们振作起来
5.volunteering our time to help others志愿奉献我们的时间帮助他人
6.give out food分发食物
7.give up several hours each week to help others每周放弃几小时以帮助他人
8.give away old clothes to the poor把旧衣服捐赠给穷人
9e up with a plan/ ideas想出计划/ 主意 10.make a plan制定计划
11.learn more about how to care for animals学到更多的关于怎样照料动物的知识
12.get such a strong feeling of satisfaction获得如此强烈的满足感
13.get better/ worse变得更好/ 更糟
14.the look of joy/ surprise/ sadness /happiness高兴/ 惊讶/ 悲伤/ 幸福的表情 15.read by herself独自阅读
16.at the age of four在四岁的时候 17.raise money for …为….筹钱 18.put off my plan推迟我的计划
19.be busy with my studies忙于我的学习20.call up somebody给……打电话
21.put up signs around the school满校园张贴招牌 22.be worried about getting jobs 为工作而担心 23.make lots of money 挣许多钱
24.in their free time在他们的空闭时间 25.be strong in…= be good at…擅长于……
26.a good way to spend our free time一种度过空余时间的好方法
27.stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year停止做他们的工作几个月到一年 28.run out of money用完钱
29.take after my father长得像我的爸爸 30.fix up broken bikes修理烂自行车 31.be similar to …与……相似
32.would like to do something愿意做……
33.make it possible for me to have Lucky让我拥有Lucky成为可能
34.make a big difference to my life对我的人生起重大作用
35.get me a special trained dog让我得到一条经过特殊训练的狗
36.get things for disabled people为残疾人买东西
37.be a guide at a museum在博物馆当导游
38.be excited about the idea of having a dog因为拥有一
39.because of your kindness因为你的善良
40.send you a photo= send a photo to you送一张照片
41.be interested in….对……感兴趣
42.set up a call-in center for parents 为家长们成立一个
43.hand the notices out after school放学后散发通知 44.help people in need帮助危难中的人
45.can’t buy any more old bikes不能再买任何旧自行车
46.students who volunteer志愿者学生 47.be proud of … 对……为骄傲
1.They told me stories about the past and how things
used to be.他们给我们讲关于过去的故事,讲曾经的样子。
2.We’re all going to be old one day.有一天我们也会老。
3.The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book.孩子们坐在图书馆里,但你能从他们的眼中看到他们正在和每一本新书一起经历不同的旅程。
4.Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.对我来说,在这儿当志愿者是一个实现了的梦想。5.I can do what I love to do and help others at the same.我可以做我热爱做的事,同时又帮助了他人。6.I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.这相信你知道这个组织被建立是为了帮助那像我一样的残疾人。
7.What would it be like to be blind or deaf?成为盲人或聋子会是什么样子?
8.Thank you again for changing my life.再次感谢你改变了我的生活。
9.In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people?你认为狗们还能有另外的方法帮助人们吗?
10.What other animals can we train to help people?我们还可以训练其他什么动物来帮助人们呢?
11.The idea that he came up with worked out fine.他想出的那个主意很凑效。
12.I need to come up with some way of getting money or I’ll have to stop.我有必要想出某种来钱的方式,否则我将不得不停止。
必背单词 欢呼喝彩义务做自愿做志愿者公告牌通告
孤独的寂寞的几个数个一些感觉感触 满足满意高兴愉快物主主人 旅行行程标志信号生病的有病的募集征集单独独自
安装固定车轮轮子信件信函 瞎的聋的想象设想苦难难题 打打开门地板提拿扛 训练培训(动词)训练培训(名词)激动地兴奋的善良仁慈聪明的理解领会理解领会的过去式是改变变化强壮的有残疾的丧失能力的兴趣关注修理修补修理的词组
必备词组 打扫干净振奋起来分发散发 曾经过去捐赠赠送建立设立影响有作用用完耗尽与......类似 推迟想出召集参加......选拨试用
必背句型 我想帮助那些无家可归的人
第三篇:新人教版英语八年级下册unit 5必背词组及句子
新人教版八年级下unit 5必背词组及句子
1.in/on the street 在街上
2.at the time of the rainstorm在下暴雨的时候 3.in time of difficulty面对困难的时候 4.go off 发声音
5.miss the bus错过了公共汽车 6.pick up(本单元)接电话 7.take a hot shower洗个热水澡
8.strong winds狂风heavy rain/snow 大雨/雪 9.make sure确保,弄明白 10.make dinner做晚餐 11.fall asleep/ill入睡/生病 12.fall in trouble遇到麻烦 13.fall in love with…爱上……
14.die down逐渐变弱die out灭绝
15.die away消失die of/ from…死于…… 16.wake up醒来
17.find the neighborhood in a mess发现周转一团糟 18. do sth.(加入)和某人一起做…… 19.take the car to the car wash把车开到洗车场 20.the place of the accident事故发生地 21.by the side of …在……边上 22.get to the bus stop到达汽车站
23.make one’s way to somewhere往……去。前进。24.be helpful to do something做……有
25.the news of important events in history历史上的重
26.the news on the radio/ TV收音机/电视的新闻 27.be completely shocked被彻底震惊
28.in silence静静地in surprise 吃惊地 29.in joy 高兴地
30.the rest of …其余的……;剩下的……
31.be taken down by terrorists被摧毁
32.have meaning to somebody对某人有特别的意义 33.a day Kate Smith will never forget 凯特·史密斯永远