科技的英语作文 篇1
technology is a necessary force in modern life. we use technology to develop economy, change our life and quicken the pace of development. without it, we might still stay in a poor society. we might have no tvs, no computers and even no lights. we might have to work by hands instead of by machines and read many books to gain new knowledge instead of XXX use of computer nets. it's believed that technology improves our life.
but technology is not always a positive force in modern life. if it is not used in the right way, it may be harmful and even dangerous to people. for example, as a result of advan
大围山ced technology, computer viruses have been made by some people with personal purposes, and obviously everyone knows what harm they do. we can see that under the influence of the negative effect of technology, our society may be faced with a great danger.
so we should make use of the positive force of technology to develop our modern life and reduce its negative effects.
白羊座头像科技的'英语作文 篇2
Nowadays, there is general trend that people engaging in technological revolutions. Nevertheless, a question has been raised, “how did the science change our living conditions”
To begin with, the science can help us to relieve excessive stress and tension by providing a temporary escape from a day-to-day life. In a world that has increasingly focused on turning everyone into millionaire, to cope with the current social trend, people
crave being actively involved in the larger world and widening circles. Work-related stress, for example, has become a major problem which plagues all of modern people. In the most cases, the TV or computer, which were invented by new technology in the 20th century, can not merely help us lessen stress accumulated from an individual's demanding work life but are also fun to indulge in, is a sound and viable plan.
In addition to eliminating people’s tension, the development of telephone and internet has improved our life styles. In other words, the science can allow us to meet friends of diverse background by an interesting and effective means. Especially, the age of a student or, better yet, the stage of the personal development of a student has to be considered when they have no leisure time and opportunity to widen circles and learn how to interact socially and behave in a group of their peers.
Finally, it is undeniable that continuously developing technologies have brought tremendous benefits, especially in learning area. Learning has in many ways become easier than has ever been before. Take learning English for example, In the past, few stuword乘号
dents owned tape recorders, and learning materials were scarce as well. But today, tape recorders get more and more inexpensive, and diversified learning materials are readily available. On the other hand, new devices, such as MP3 or MD players, are offered in market, and relevant learning materials (MP3 files) are easily and freely downloadable from the Internet.
Admittedly, science revolution has some negative effects under certain circumstances. For instance, the new technology can harm our environment. However, after balancing all the pros and cons, the above-mentioned disadvantage seems to be minor.
科技的英语作文 篇3关于科学的作文
21st century is the century of technology. Today, technology is everywhere. We often use several technologies ,such as computer and phone. These technologies make easier life for us.
With the development of technology and science, people are getting richer. Computer will
经典正能量语录go into every household. Computer can help us to do many things, such as playing games, designing and making us easier to do things.
With today's technology, the phone can do many things, such as taking photos and sending the e-mail on the phone. We needn’t write a letter. We just need to make a phone call, so you can know more and more from your friends or family.
With better and faster development of science and technology people can live better. If we do not have science and technology, our life will become even worse, the world cannot become beautiful. Without technology, there would be no technology life
科技的英语作文 篇4
Several reasons account for the change. Firstly, we are in the information age today. Computers are useful in editing and data processing, make it easier for people to communicate with each other and provide all sorts of information. Secondly, computer skills can be a competitive edge for job hunter, which stimulates students' interest in co
mputers and encourages them to have a good command of them. Finally, as the price of computers drops sharply recent years, more and more students can afford them.
But some problems also arise, liking wasting students’ time and having negative effect on studies. Therefore, we, as students, should always keep in mind that we should use computer in an appropriate way.