1. I feel very tired. 我觉得很疲惫。表示精疲力竭,过度劳累时可以说exhausted, fatigued, burnt-out.
例句:The project went on for over two years and by the end of it I was just burnt-out. 工程足足进展了两年多,到最后我精疲力竭。
2. I am sick and tired of it! 工作时发牢骚说“烦透了”,
例句:I'm sick and tired of junk mail. 表示我对那些垃圾真是厌倦透啦!
3. It's time for me to apply for some leave. 现在该是我申请休假的时候了。
leave:official permission to be absent from work or duty 请假,休假,假期,准假。
例句:He had six weeks' leave. 他有六个星期的休假。
The human resources department is responsible for approving leave applications from staff. 人力资源部负责批准员工的休假申请。
5. He is going on holiday tomorrow. 他明天要去度假。
on holiday等于on vacation,表示度假。
比方接到一个正在休假的同事的  时,就可以做出如下答复:He's on vacation this week. 他本周休假。He is on vacation until next Wednesday. 他休假到下周三。
也可以用to be off。比方He is off today. 他今天休假。
6. I feel a little bit homesick. I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week. 我有点想家了。我想休息一周与我的家人团聚。
7. I'm afraid I can't e to work today. I'm not feeling well. 我恐怕今天不能上班了。我觉得不舒服。
8. I've been really busy for a long time. I need some rest. 我忙了好长一段时间,我需要休息。
9. I'm asking for a week's leave to prepare for my wedding. 我要请一周假,因为我要为婚礼做准备。