BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷35 (题后含答案解析)
商务英语写作题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWO
1. ? You are a sales manager and you want to arrange a meeting with your team at the end of the month.? Write an email to your team:  ? explaining the purpose of the sales meeting  ? saying how they should prepare for the meeting  ? telling them what they should do if they cannot attend.? Write 40--50 words.
正确答案:Sample A  The purpose of this email is to meet and discuss about our next month sales. It is also to provide a monthly statistics. you should be prepared of new ideas to improve and increase our sales, also provide a reports of the last month sales. if you can not come, please tell me in advance and be aware of the next month sales. The meeting takes place in the end of this month, I will let you know sooner.Band 2All the content points are addressed and the information is reasonably well organised. Due to the inclusion of irrelevant
information, the answer exceeds the target length and there is some repetition. The presence of several errors tends to distract the reader and create a negative effect.Sample BPlease note that we will hold a sales meeting on 30 November to assess the achievement for out target this month. Please prepare your comments and feedbacks about it. Let me know in advance if you cannot attend the meeting. Thank you.Band 4All the content points are clearly addressed, and the email is concise and clear, showing evidence of a good range of vocabulary. There are some errors, but these do not impede communication or detract from the overall positive effect on the reader. 
2. ? You are the manager of Arvon Industrial Park and you here just received the letter below from FNT Ltd, a potential customer.? Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.? Then, using all your handwritten notes, write a letter of reply to FNT Ltd.? Write 120-140 words.
正确答案:Sample CDear Sirswith reference to your letter dated 18 October 2004 concerni
ng rental for a new factory unit suitable.I am writing to inform you that our company, Arvon Industrial Park will meet your need. Firstly, our park is located immediately to the high way. The transportations here are very convenient. There is also a railway station around. Secondly, our industrial park offers 24-hours security services and auto fire-resistant system. Thirdly, we have enough parking places for staff parking, which can accommodate 300 cars. Furthermore, our electricity facilities were improved last year. Now we can offer whole day electricity supply. Finally I would like to tell you that if you have long-term rental with us, we will provide you with 10 percent discount for the first two years rental.I do hope we can be your supplier in the future, please contact us at our earliest convenience.Yours faithfullyBand 4The letter addresses all the content points and these are expanded upon appropriately. The register and format are consistently appropriate and the content is well organised. Good language control is demonstrated, and a wide range of vocabulary and grammar structures is used.Sample DThank you for your interest in renting a unit at our Industrial Park.I am sure, that Arvon Industrial Park is the right choice for you as its very close to the airport and the city centre. The railway station is also nearby. The access to the
Motorway is only 200m away. The Park is surrounded by a fence and all visitors have to check in at the Porters gate. During the night its observed by the Security Service people. We also can offer you a parking space for 300 cars.There shouldnt be any problem with the electricity supply, since the system has been modernised last year.We could offer you a lower price in case you aim for a long term rental contract.If you have any further questions I Would be pleased to answer them. Im looking forward to hearing from you.Band 3All the content points are covered and the organisation of the information is satisfactory. A reasonable attempt has been made at a letter format, although the opening and closing formulae are missing and at times the register is not wholly appropriate.