BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷14 商务英语写作(题后含答案解析)
1. ?You have ordered some new office equipment. However, some of this equipment will arrive a week later than planned.?Write a memo to all staff: ?saying which equipment will be delayed ?explaining when it will arrive ?apologising for the delay.?Write about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
正确答案:      MemoTo:        All StaffFrom:      Supplies ManagerDate:      1 March 2002Subject:    New Equipment I have ordered some new PCs and monitors. Unfortunately the monitors will arrive in the second week of October. I apologise to the people who are waiting for a monitor. 
2. ?Read this part of a letter from John Biggs, who is the president of a business club.As President of the Clifton Business Club, I would like to invite you to speak at our annual dinner on 5 July. The dinner which starts at 7.30 pm, will be held at the Mayflower Restaurant, Clifton.I hope that you are able to accept the invitation and would be grateful if you could give me the subject of your talk, so that I can include it on the invitations to our members.I look forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.?Write a letter to Mr Biggs: ?accepting the invitation ?telling him the subject of your talk ?asking how long the talk should be ?enquiring whether accommodation will be arranged for you.?Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.?Do not include postal addresses.
正确答案:Dear Mr Biggs    I am writing to accept your invitation. I am going to talk about the new economy. I would like to know how long the talk should be, so that I can prepare it.Concerning accommodation, could you help me with booking? I would be very grateful.      Thank you for your invitation.      I look forward to seeing you again.  Yours sincerely  Celia Silva