BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷160 (题后含答案解析)
1.    ? You are the Purchasing Manager for a large company. Last week you decided to look for a new supplier for stationery and office equipment. Now you are thinking of Compass Office Goods Ltd. as a new supplier.  ? Write a memo to your companys department heads.  ? explaining why you looked for a new supplier  ? saying who the. new supplier is  ? asking for feedback about the goods that they supply.  ? Write 40-50 words.      MEMO  _______________________________  ______________________________________
正确答案:From:Purchasing ManagerTo:All Department HeadsSubject:New supplier for stationery and office equipment    The poor quality of stationery and office equipment has been complained of all the time.My department is considering looking for a new supplier.Compass Office Goods the top one,providing the best in this field.Sample product
s have been distributed to each department. Any suggestions will be highly welcomed. Thanks! 
2. ?Your company bas received a lot of complaints about its telephone service. You looked into the problem and made the following notes:?Phone left to ring too long before being answered.?Calls answered impolitely, e.g. just Hello.?Transferring calls automatically to a colleague — often the colleague doesnt know about the transfer, or how long it will be for.?Taking messages — some employees not writing detailed messages down (date, time, caller商务英语写作’s name and number),?The Office Manager has asked you to write a report to all staff on recommended telephone procedures.?Write the report in about 120 - 140 words, explaining how stall should use the phones. Use the information in your notes above.?Write on your Answer Sheet.
正确答案:Introduction:    The report is aimed at providing proper telephone-making procedures for our staff. Findings:    As far as we know, tile telephone service always reflect
s the image of a company, but recently we have received a lot of criticism of it. Obviously, our telephone service is far front satisfactory.Suggestions:    After the most common complaints have been looked into, the following procedures are put forward and should be complied with by all our staff members:?Answer the phone as soon as it rings, if theres nothing urgent at your hand.?Answer all calls courteously: you should use such expressions as How can I help you? What can I do for you? etc, instead of merely saying hello.Inform your colleague promptly if its a transferring call, esp. how long it will be for, Develop the habit of noting down the important information of every call, esp. date, time, and the callers name and number.