商务英语写作BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷60 (题后含答案解析)
1.    ? You are the Research and Development Director of an engineering company, which is a subsidiary of a larger corporation. The Chairman of the corporation is visiting your company next week.  ? Write a memo to all your staff:  ? informing them of the visit  ? telling them why the visitor is coming  ? telling them when he will arrive and asking them to be at the welcome reception for him.  ? Write 40-50 words.
正确答案:        Memo  To:        All staff  From:      Research and Development Director  Subject:  The Coming Visitor  Date:      May 8th, 2008    The memo here is to remind you of the visiting of the Chairman of the corporation. The Chairman is coming to conduct the job evaluations. He will arrive here at 9 am. next Monday. Please be at the welcome reception at 8:55 for the Chairman. 
2.    ? You work for a company that sells electrical goods. You have recently visited a potential supplier in Slovakia.  ? Read the following memo below on which you have made some handwritten notes.  ? Use the information in the memo to write a short report discussing whether your company should deal with the supplier or not.  ? Write 120-140 words.
正确答案:Dear Catrin    This report is to recommend that Landis Technologies be the supplier of our company. I have recently visited Landis Technologies in the south west of Slovakia. This is a company which makes electrical goods. The production capacity is quite low due to its old facilities. In spite of this, this company produces a wide range of products with good quality,such as pocket radios. However, because of its old equipment, the delivery time is up to two months. The delivery time will be shortened with more modernized machines. It is recommended that we keep in touch with Landis Technologies as a potential supplier.