I. Translation of terms
A. Translate the following terms into English in full.
1. 共同海险 G.A General Average insurance
B. Translate the following terms into Chinese.
1. Irrevocable Letter of Credit
3. Certificate of origin
5. B/L II. Choose the best answer
1. We ____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of Electric Motors.
A. find
B. believe
C. think
D. trust
2. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the ____ illustrated catalogue.
A. sent
B. enclosed
C. given
D. presented
3. This price is ___ of your 5% commission.
A. includes
B. covering
C. inclusive
D. including
4. We will do our best to ___ shipment to meet your requirements in time.
A. comply
B. make
C. expedite
D. arrange
5. We ____ you of our readiness to serve you in this end all future business.
A. ensure
B. assure
C. make sure
D. see to
6. It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we ___ you this accommodation.
A. extend
B. extant
C. increase
D. promote
7. Your L/C No.111 for £ 2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has ___ .
A. be arriving
B. been arriving
C. arrived
D. thanked
8. Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly ___ .
A. appreciating
B. appreciated
C. thanking
D. thanked
9. We acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated 26th September ____ connection _____ the above subject.
A. for, with
B. for, to
C. in, with
D. in, to
10. We regret ____ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be
covered up to the inland city.
A. to be
B. being
C. to have been
D. been
11. We are pleased to ___ you that 6000 dozen of shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have
gone off on S.S. "Dongfeng"
A. ask
B. inform
C. speak
D. talk
12. ____ you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation.
A. Until
B. Unless
C. If
D. As
13. We thank you ___ for you cooperation.
A. in advance
B. in beforehand
C. in progress
D. in proceed
14. We desire to establish ____ beneficial business relations.
A. mutual
B. mutually
C. equal
D. equally
15. The term CFR should be followed by ____ .
A. port of shipment
B. port of origin
C. port of loading
D. port of destination
2.平安险 free from particular average 4.分期装运 2. Blank Endorsement 4. S/C
16. _____________________ By joint efforts we can both friendship and business.
A. increase
B. promote
C. expand
D. extend
17. This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply ___ should reach us not later than the end of this month.
A. it
B. they
C. what
D. which
18. _ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.
A. In case
B. In the case
C. In this case
D. In that case
19. Should your L/C _ us at the beginning of May , we shall be able to ship your order.
A. arrive
B. reach
C. come
D. get
20. In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting __ $2,000.
A. at
B. to
C. up
D. for
Fill in the 1---5 A ,B,C,C,B 6---10 A ,C,B,C,B
11--15 B,C,A,A,D 16-20 B,D,A,B,B
III. contract form in English with the particulars given in the following letter
合同号码:PC0102325 卖方:美国ABC 食品贸易公司买方:中国粮油食品进出口公司商品名称:大豆粗粉(Soybean meals)原产地:巴西
规格:蛋白质(protein)最低含量43.5%,脂肪(fat)最高含量13%, ......... 。
数量:50,000 公吨,
单价:装运重量每公吨209 美元,成本加运费到天津新港。总金额: 1 , 045 万美元包装:散装
保险:由买方承担。装运港:美国旧金山目的港:中国天津新港唛头:由卖方选定装运期:2005.10.20-11月20日,期间不允许分装和转船。付款方式:由100% 合同价值的不可撤消的即期信用证付款。信用证保持在装运期后第天美国议付有效。
25 The seller:
The buyer: Commodity:
Origin: Specifications:
Unit Price:
Total value: Packing:
Port of shipment:
Port of Destination:
Shipping Mark:
Time of Shipment:
Terms of Payment:
Done and signed in on this of , 2005.
No.: PC0102325
The seller: American ABC Food Trading Co. Ltd.
The buyer: China National Cereals, oils & Food Stuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp.
Commodity: Soybean meals
Origin: Brazil
Specifications: Protein: Min. 43.5%; Fat: Max. 13%
Quantity: 50,000 metric tons, 10% more or less allowed.
Unit Price: At USD 209 per m/t CFR Tianjinxingang
Total value: USD 10,450,000 (Say US Dollars Ten million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Only)
Packing: In bulk
Insurance: To be effected by the buyers/To be covered by the buyers
Port of shipment: San Francisco, The U.S.A.
Port of Destination: Tianjinxingang, China