1. A back injury forced her to withdraw from the French Open. 一处背伤迫使她退出了法国网球公开赛。
2. A dress may be in style one year and out of style the next. 一件连衣裙有可能会今年时髦,而明年过时。
3. A friend is the one who can give you strength at last. 朋友是在最后给你力量的人。
经典英语句子4. A group of boys were playing at the edge of a pond. 一孩子在池塘边玩耍。
5. A high-speed railway connects Shanghai and Beijing. 一条高速铁路连接了上海和北京。
6. A house was on fire last night in our neighborhood. 昨晚,我们居民区里面的一所房子失火了。
7. A large number of people travel abroad every year. 每年有大量的人到国外旅游。
8. A little more effort, and you’ll get to the top of the mountain. 再加点油,你就可以到达山顶了。
9. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. 人只要有所追求就不算是老。
10. A man should be independent at the age of thirty. 三十而立。
11. At first the place was strange to me. 最初,我对这个地方不熟悉。
12. At this time of every year, farmers get ready for the autumn harvest. 每年这个时候,农民都准备好秋收。
13. Be careful! Or you’re sure to make a mistake. 小心一点!不然你一定会出错。
14. Be kind to unkind people—they need it the most. 善待不友善的人,因为他们最需要的就是友善。
15. Be sure to tidy up before going out. 出去之前一定要收拾一下。
16. Because he was always late, he lost his job. 因为他经常迟到,所以他丢了工作。
17. Believe in yourself and never give up. 相信自己,永不言弃。
18. Between surprise and joy, she couldn’t help bursting into tears. 她又惊又喜,禁不住放声大哭起来。
19. Birds are flying south in search of warm climate. 鸟类南飞以寻求温暖的气候。 
20. Books can’t be taken out of the library without permission. 未经允许不能把书从图书馆带出去。
21. Both children and adults dress up to celebrate the festival in America. 在美国,小孩和大人都乔装打扮来庆祝这一节日。
22. Brown shoes don’t go well with a black suit. 棕皮鞋和黑西装不搭。
23. By accident I met her in the street. 我在街上碰巧遇见了她。
24. By the time you graduate, we will have lived in Australia for one year. 到你毕业的时候,我们在澳大利亚居住就有一年了。
25. Calm down and tell me what happened. 冷静一下,告诉我发生了什么事情。
26. Can you help me take this baggage to the railway station? 你能帮助我把这件行李带到火车站吗?
27. Can you help me wash up all these pots and pans? 能帮我把所有这些锅碗瓢盆都洗了吗?
28. Can you tell me who thought of the idea? 你能告诉我是谁想出的这个主意吗?
29. Change is often tough to deal with. 变化总是很难应对。
30. Cheer up, better times may be ahead. 打起精神来,好日子或许就在前头了。
31. Children and fools tell the truth. [谚]孩子和傻子,口中无诈语。
32. China has been famous for its silk trade. 中国以丝绸贸易而闻名。
33. Day after day the man waited in vain for a rabbit to bump against the stump. 日复一日,这个男人徒劳地等待着一只兔子撞在树桩上。
34. Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. 世界各地数百万人都对迪士尼乐园情有独钟。
35. Do drop in if you happen to be passing. 如果你碰巧经过时一定要进来坐坐。
36. Do what you are told and don’t argue with me. 照我说的去做,不要争辩。
37. Don’t get mad at me. I did it all for your own good. 别生我的气,我这样做完全是为了你好。
38. Don’t let laziness get in the way of a successful life. 不要让懒惰阻挡你获得成功的人生。
39. Don’t push him too hard. He’s only a five-year-old boy, after all. 别逼他太紧,毕竟他只是个五岁的男孩。
40. Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事今日毕。
41. Don’t throw about the rubbish on the ground. 别将垃圾乱扔在地上。
42. Due to a bad cold he spent the entire day in bed. 他因患重感冒在床上躺了一整天。
43. During the trip, they played cards to pass the time. 旅途中,他们打牌消磨时间。
44. Each student has to hand in homework next morning. 每个学生明天早上都得交作业。
45. Each year, hundreds of animals are killed in this way. 每年都有数百只动物被这样杀掉。
46. Eating more fruits and vegetables does good to your health. 多吃水果和蔬菜对你的健康有好处。
47. English is often spoken of as the first foreign language. 英语经常被当作第一外语而被提及。
48. Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud. 即使我们在工作中取得了巨大的成功,也不应该骄傲。
49. Everybody should get his paper in turn. 大家应依次领试卷。
50. Everything’s packed, and we’re ready to leave. 所有的东西都已经装好了,我们就要离开了。
51. Experiences in the past become a part of our life. 过去的经历成为我们生活的一部分。
52. Failure is success if we learn from it. 如果能从失败中汲取教训,失败亦是成功。
53. Faith can keep people from doing bad things. 信仰可使人不做坏事。
54. Firemen reached the house on fire in time. 消防队员及时抵达了那幢失火的房子。
55. First of all, we’d better make sure we’ve got everything we need. 首先,我们最好确定一切所需皆已具备。 
56. For children the park is a good place to have fun. 对于孩子们来说,公园是个好玩的地方。
57. Fortunately the doctor saved the child’s life. 幸运的是,这位医生挽救了孩子的生命。
58. From then on, the prince and princess lived happily. 从那时起,王子与公主就幸福地生活在了一起。
59. Go along the street to the Summer Palace. 沿着这条路走,一直走到颐和园。
60. Go down two blocks this way and turn left, then you will get there. 沿这条路走过两个街区,向左转,然后就到了。
61. Good eating habits help you keep in good health. 良好的饮食习惯能让你身体健康。