新高二英语暑假作业15  (译林版2020) 
►选择性必修一 Unit3 The Art of Painting
1.The couple moved outside her field of                   (视野) in the end.
2.Not all art works are                   in this museum at the same time.
3.Though one should have dreams,it’s not                  to exist on dreams.
4.He shouted so loudly that the whole             (小区) could hear him.
5.The book is expected to                   (支配,占有优势) the best-seller lists.
6.It is reported that the workers are on                   (罢工) for better working conditions.
7.After lunch,my father and I                   around the path enjoying the spring sun.
8.The new factory will have some more workers                   (雇用) after the New Year.
9.The car should be                   (检查) carefully before you buy it.
10.My                   (雄心) is to be admitted into a key university.
11.A great many goods were sent to the           (展览会) from various parts of the world.
12.These animals are very                   and are protected by law.
13.The man said that a team                   of three people was badly in need.
14.We suggest                   (安排) visits to our factories during your stay in China.
15.Tony was a man of deep appreciates                  ,which makes it possible for him to make quick decisions.
1.I am deeply                   (strike) by the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai.
2.The painting is worthy of                   (display) in the art gallery.
3.The workers are employed in                   (campaign) for better wage.
4.I found him                   (wander) in the street,looking out of the window.
5.This great battle was                   (vivid) recorded in this film.
6.John had not seen her dad all that much,because                   (most) he worked on the ships.
7.This is a heated debate which involves materialist as                   (oppose) to idealist views.
8.Waiting for an opportunity to get                   (employ),Henry did his best to perform his duty.
9.Industry in Britain has been                   decline since the 1970s.
10.Remember that your ideal life does not always consist                   the reality.
11.Miss Green is in charge of the class                   (consist) of 60 students.
12.The two crimes are                   (apparent) unconnected.
13.She never realized her                   (ambitious) of becoming a professional singer.
14.You would expose yourself                   less pollution if you moved to a remote rural village.
15.I have arranged                   (spend) a whole Sunday taking a long walk.
The world-famous art museum Musée d’Orsay 1.              (house) some of the best-known Impressionist 2.          (paint)of the 19th century.When I 3.          (wander) there and laid eye
s on the masterpieces,mostly I 4.          (strike) by the works of the two Impressionists Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir.Monet,5.          works were greatly inspired by nature,brought the same water lily pond’s beauty to the canvas in 6.          unique way,using different colours and styles.Renoir preferred to paint scenes of everyday life with little clear detail.All in all,Impressionists focused 7.          everyday subject matter,8.          (employ) free brushwork and colours to create far 9.          (little) realistic works.Impressionism has had a 10.          (last) influence on both the Post-Impressionists and modern art.
How to bring more laughter into your life
Laughter is your birthright, a natural part of life that is inborn. Infants (婴儿) begin smiling during the first weeks of life and laugh out loud within months of being born. ___41___ Even if you did not grow up in a household where laughter was a common sound, you can l
earn to laugh at any stage of life. Here are some ways to start:
Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter, and like laughter, its infectious. ___42___ Instead of looking down at your phone, look up and smile at people you pass in the street, the person serving you a morning coffee, or the co workers you share an elevator with. Notice the effect of smiling on others. Their happy faces will make you happy too.
___43___ Literally make a list. The simple act of considering the positive aspects of your life will distance you from negative thoughts that block humor and laughter. When youre in a state of sadness, you have further to travel to reach humor and laughter.