(满分:150 分;考试时间:120 分钟)
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第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the man looking for?
A. The geography book.    B. The physics book.        C. The history book.
2. What does the man think of the lecture?
A. Interesting.            B. Strange.                C. Difficult.
3. What color smartphone does the man want?
A. Golden.                B. Black.                    C. Light blue.               
4. What will Tina do tomorrow?
A. Rest at home.          B. Go to a party.            C. Do some shopping.
5. Why did the woman apologize?
A. She dialed the wrong number.                   
B. She forgot the man’s order.
C. She mistook the delivery address. 
6. What is probably the woman?
A. A secretary.            B. A doctor.            C. A manager.           
7. Where does the conversation take place?
A. At the hospital.        B. On the phone.        C. In the hotel.
8. What is the weather like now?
A. Sunny.                    B. Windy.                    C. Rainy.
9. What is Anna going to do this afternoon?       
A. Clean the room.            B. Watch TV.            C. Go bike riding.           
10. How will the speakers’ mother come back home?
A. By bike.                    B. By taxi.                    C. By car.   
11. What does Alan like doing?
A. Swimming in the sea.         
B. Hiking in the mountains.     
C. Sunbathing on the beach.
12. Where does Lily’s aunt live?
A. In Italy.                    B. In Britain.                    C. In France.               
13. What does Alan say about touring in groups?
A. It’s acceptable.            B. It’s impressive.            C. It’s disappointing.
14. What is the man doing?
A. Doing a survey.        B. Holding a conference.        C. Hosting a program.
15. Why did Anna Holmwood translate the novel?
A. To earn money.           
B. To practice her Chinese.       
C. To make it known to foreigners.
16. When did Anna Holmwood start translating the novel probably?
A. In 2018.                B. In 2013.                    C. In 2015.               
17. What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A. The changes of talk shows.
B. The ways of enjoying our lives.
C. The future of entertainment industry.
18. What do most talk shows usually depend on to make their shows lively?
A. Having a live audience.   
B. Doing video-chat interviews. 
C. Inviting their family members.
19. What does Jimmy Kimmel do in the video?
A. He chats with a pop star.   
B. He plays with his kids.       
C. He makes a pizza at home.
20. What does the speaker think of these hosts?
A. Disappointing.            B. Encouraging.                C. Discouraging.
第二部分  阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
The Thai capital Bangkok isn’t just a big city full of skyscrapers, shopping malls, and traffic. There are many beautiful spaces providing residents with fresh air and lots of healthy outdoor activities in landscaped areas.
Benjakitti Park
The park has dedicated bicycle and jogging tracks around the Lake Ratchada. The water’s edge is nicely framed by some pretty plant life, with colourful flowers adding to the quietness. You’ll also find skate tracks, a central pavilion with fountains, and an impressive half-circle courtyard that’s popular for picnics.
Opening Time: Daily from to
Benjasiri Park
Benjasiri Park is the place to be for sculpture lovers, with some of the best examples of Thai sculptures around the park reflecting historical features. The centrepiece fountain hosts multimedia water dance shows 3 times daily. The park offers outdoor sports facilities rarely found at other public parks in Bangkok, including a basketball court, roller skating/skateboarding rink, tennis court, and outdoor swimming pool.
Opening Time: Daily from to
Chatuchak Park
Chatuchak Park offers something for everyone at this park. Some may walk or jog along the green tracks line, while others can appreciate nature in the Thai Literature and Herb Garden. The park’s northern end has many tennis courts and soccer fields. While you’re there, make sure not to miss the Train Museum and Youth Traffic Garden.