I. 7选5阅读2022湖南衡阳四中高考分科综合测试
When you garden, you get sunshine, fresh air and exercise. ____36____. If you do not have enough space, time or money for a large garden, you can try on little container gardens.
Pick the right plants. In your containers, you can control the soil and the amount of water, but not the sunlight. So, find out which plants can grow in the light conditions you have. ____37____. For example, potatoes and carrots are not suitable for container gardening since they need deep soil to grow well.
____38____. This saves room and some plants may grow better when paired with another plant. However, not all plants grow well together. Some plants have very different water and soil needs. Also, do not grow plants in the same pot if they compete for the same nutrients.
Protect the plants from wind. Wind can damage parts of the plants. It can also dry them out. Choose a location for your garden that has shelter from a building or make your own wind protection. ____39____.
Water your plants regularly and put the water directly on the soil. It is best to water early in the morning. If you can't water in the morning, water in the late afternoon or early evening. ____40____. The water may dry up too fast and water droplets on leaves can burn them.
A. Get the right type of soil
B. Avoid plants that need deep soil
C. Grow different plants in the same pot
D. Working with soil and plants can be funny
E. Try not to water during the hottest part of the day
F. Grouping plants together can protect your plants from wind, too
G. Gardening can also produce healthy fruits and vegetables for your familyappreciates
II. 阅读理解2022河北邯郸重点高中高三第一次月考D篇
Fairs and theme parks never seem to lose their attraction. My kids love them as much as I do. Not everyone will agree with me though. My wife is terrified of anything more exciting than the merry-go-round. So why do I love Blackpool’s Big One while she goes white on hearing the words roller coaster (过山车)”?
According to psychologists, it comes down to something called a “Type T” personality. Type T’s are thrill-seekers who welcome the uncertainty of activities that most people would find hair-raising. It seems some of us enjoy the physical sensations associated with fear: the adrenaline (肾上腺素) rush and the beating heart. Scary rides make us feel alive. Terrifying experiences encourage a sense of excitement once were back on solid ground though we only enjoy them when were within a “protective frame” that assures us that deep down, were still safe.
Recent research has found certain genes (基因) which may be responsible for those of us with Type T personalities. Biochemists have separated a gene called DRD4 which seems more common in rollercoaster lovers like me.
New technologies have allowed engineers to design coasters that change speeds quickly, shoot up hundreds of feet into the air and make all sorts of twists. Research suggests that extreme fairground rides tend to appeal particularly to those of us who lead stressful, structured or controlled lives. It's certainly true that roller coasters are a way of breaking out of the humdrum (乏味的) expectations of everyday life. Theme parks allow us to act like children again, to experience true excitement and behave a little wildly. Where else as an adult can you scream at the top of your lungs and throw your arms in the air without being sent for psychological evaluation?
If you're looking for a great place this summer where you can get in touch with your inner risk-taker. head for the nearest theme park. It’s a scream!
32. What can we learn about the author’s wife?
A. She rarely disagrees with the author
B. She loves Blackpool's Big One
C. She fears extreme rides   D. She gets excited easily.
33. What do people with Type T personalities tend to do?
A Put their lives at risk   B Stay energetic all the time
C. Avoid the "protective frame”    D. Enjoy adventurous experiences
34. What has recent research revealed about the Type T personality?
A. It is common among people.   B. It is genetically determined.
C. It’s caused by living separately.   D. It is a result of a physical disorder.
35. What’s the main reason why the author appreciates extreme fairground ride?