Sample manuscript for Applied Physics Letters
A. Author,1,2,a)
B. Author,2,b,c) and
C. Author3,c)
1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country
2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country
33Department, University, City, State (spell out full name), Zip code, USA
This is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript.  Abstracts are required for all manuscripts. The Abstract should be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references). It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and as a summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). It shou
ld be approximately 250 words. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. In this sample article we provide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper to Applied Physic Letters, a journal published by AIP Publishing LLC. The AIP Publishing staff appreciates your effort to follow our style when preparing your manuscript.
NB: Contrary to the structure of this sample, headings are not permitted in APL. They are used in this sample to assist the reader in locating information.
Please use this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article.  This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review.  Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety.  The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility. All files will be submitted through our online electronic submission system at
Manuscript preparation
Articles can be prepared as either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 × 28 cm (8-1/2 × 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around.  The font and
Note: This is an example of a footnote to the title if the paper was part of a conference: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May 2010.
a)This is an example of a footnote to an author’s name: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.  Electronic mail:
b)  This research was performed while B. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.
c)  B. Author and C. Author contributed equally to this work.
the point size will be reset according t o the journal’s specs, but authors most commonly use the Times Roman font and point size 12.  The manuscript begins with a title, names of all authors and their affiliations, and an abstract, followed by the body of the paper, tables and figures, if any, included, and the reference section.  Consecutively number all tables (I, II, III, etc.) and figures (1, 2, 3, etc.), including those in an Appendix. Figures, with figure captions, may be embedded within the manuscript to assist the reviewers.  Number all pages consecutively, beginning with 1.
Manuscript submission
All files will be submitted through the online system:/. Each version of the manuscript (the original and subsequent revisions) should be submitted with its own complete set of files: a cover letter (indicating the title, authors, and contact information), a complete article file, and separate figure files (see Sec. I X―FIGURES). When uploading a revised manuscript, also include a resp onse/rebuttal letter (indicating the changes made to address the Editor’s and Reviewers’ comments).
Manuscripts should not exceed 3500 words.
TeX users
Authors are advised to use the REVTeX 4.1 file. If the double-column version of the manuscript obtained using the "reprint" option fits on four pages, the length is acceptable.
Word users
Please note that the abstract, title, author list, references, and acknowledgments are all excluded from the 3500-word limit. Figures, tables, and equations, however, are included and must be accounted for by calculating a word count equivalent to the space they occupy.
Highlight the manuscript text, excluding abstract, author list, acknowledgements and references, and note the word count at the bottom of the screen. Add to that the word-count-equivalents for figures, tables and equations as follows:
•Figures: 200 words for an average figure.
•Tables: 13 words per line, plus 26 words.
•Equations: 13 words per line.
If the total number of words (text + figures + tables + equations) is 3500 or less, the length is acceptable.
The title of a paper should be as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. Acronyms are not allowed in the title; they must be spelled out (exception to this rule is DNA). Chemical compounds are allowed in the title.
Authors’ names should preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and to avoid ambiguities. Include the names and postal addresses of all institutions, followed by city, state, zip code, and USA if in the United States or by postal code, city, and country if not in the U.S. Please provide the complete address for each author. See the byline of this sample article for examples.
Authors with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names may choose to have their names published in their own language alongside the English versions of their names in the author list of their publications. For
Chinese, authors may use either Simplified or Traditional characters. Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters must be included within the author list of the manuscript when submitting or resubmitting. The manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word or using the CJK LaTeX package. Specific guidelines are given here.
Footnotes are generally unacceptable in Applied Physics Letters, with the exception of footnotes to the title and the author’s names. Footnotes to the title should be set as a Note above the byline footnotes. All other footnotes should be converted to text or should be included in the reference section.  Use a), b), c), etc., for footnotes to authors.  The following list shows some examples:
Note: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, January 2011.
a)A. Author and B. Author contributed equally to this work.
b)This research was performed while C. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.
c)This is an example of a footnote to an author’s name: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.  Electronic mail: 
Headings are not permitted in Applied Physics Letters.
Equationsneed to be editable so we recommend that you create them with the built-in Microsoft® Equation Editor included with your version of Word. If you wish to use Mathtype, check for compatibility at tinyurl./lzny753.
o Users of the Windows version of Word: Please embed all fonts.
o Users of Macintosh Word: Please save all files in DOCX format, as the use of DOC is not supported. Additionally, because font embedding is not possible, Mac Word users
should limit their font selection to those available from the basic installation.
Equations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure and should be numbered on the right.  Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at the left of the second and succeeding lines.  Use (×) rather than a centered dot, except for scalar products of vectors.  A solidus (/) instead of built-up fractions is preferred in running text and in display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized.  Use “exp” for complicated exponents.  Some examples follow:
()i N B N 2sin 2n n θ+()⎪⎪⎭⎫  ⎝⎛-=T k E T c d B exp .                                          (4)
Equation numbering
Equations are numbered consecutively through the entire paper as simply (1), (2), (3).... In appendixes, the numbering starts over as (A1), (A2), (A3). If there is more than one appendix, use (A1), (A2), etc. for equations in Appendix A; (B1), (B2), etc., for equations in Appendix B.
When a numbered equation has more than one part and that (those) part(s) consecutively follow, then they are indicated as follows:
If, however, they do not follow consecutively, primes are used: