文化  部分要点翻译
注:不是所有划出部分都翻译了。配套的有Chapter 2的翻译。
The Value of Cultural Stereotypes
Culture dictates how people generally think and interact with each other in society. 文化造成人们的普遍怎么认为和在社会中的互动。A stereotype is really a composite of the cultural mores of a society and in many cases can be narrowed to a specific region. 角定型实在是一个综合的社会文化习俗,而且,在许多情况下它可以被缩小到一特定区域。To stereotype is to formulate a standardized image of a group that assigns that group a number of characteristics that helps to simplify what would otherwise be a very complex task of identification.角定型,是制定一个组的标准化形象,分配给该组一些特点,有助于简化原本非常复杂的鉴定任务。By looking at the cultural components and traits, an accurat
e model—a stereotype, if you will—of how an individual from a certain culture is likely to act can be constructed. 通过观察文化内容和特点,一个准确的模型——一个角定型,如果你可以——可以从一个特定文化的个体可能如何行动这方面来构造。Stereotyping makes reality easier to deal with. 角定型,让现实更容易处理。
Of course, there will be exceptions to the stereotype rule—people are, after all, individuals—but by and large a business person from Japan or Germany is more likely to conform to the model than not.当然,会有例外的角定型——毕竟,有这种个体——但总的来说,一个日本或德国的商业人士更有可能符合该模式。The key is to avoid a slavish adherence to stereotypes and to leave room to evaluate individual behavior in an overall cultural context. 关键是要避免盲目地坚持定型,而应留有余地,以评估整体文化背景中的个人行为。There are, of course, independent-minded Japanese, rebellious Germans, shallow Russians and task-driven (as opposed to relationship-driven) Arabs—but these would truly be exceptions and when seen in their native cultural context might very well be viewed as rebels in their own right.当然有例外的角定型,比如独立思想的日本人、叛逆的德国人、肤浅的俄罗斯人,任务驱动的阿拉伯人(与关系导向相对的)——但这些真的都是例外,在他们的本土文
As a general rule, stereotyping of cultural traits works when applied to large groups, even whole societies, but may not stand up on an individual one-to-one basis. 一般来说,运用角定型时,适用于大型体,甚至整个社会,不可以站在个人一对一的基础上。It is important to remember that you, too, will likely be viewed or profiled by others according to their stereo types of your culture. 重要的是,要记住,你也可能会被其他人观察或描述,根据他们你那儿文化得出的文化刻板印象。If you stop to think about it, you may be surprised about the high number of national cultural traits that you exhibit. 如果你停下来想想,你会对你自己表现出的大量国家文化特点感到很惊讶。Accent the more endearing traits and try and leave the less unacceptable ones at home. 更讨人喜欢口音特点,把别人不能接受的东西留在家里。
The Cause of Stereotypes
Stereotypes make more sense when you consider the cultural roots of the group being stereotyped. For example,当你觉得本集团的文化根源是千篇一律的时候,角定型更有意义。例如:
STEREOTYPE: The Germans are usually seen as rigid, somewhat humorless and obsessed with order and formality. A smile does not come easily and business is taken seriously. They are particularly focused on detail.角定型:德国人通常被视为刚性的,有点幽默感和痴迷于秩序和手续。一个微笑不来之不易,认真对待业务。他们特别关注的细节
NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: Low-context culture that values precise communication. Focuses on what is being said rather than who is saying it. Monochrome, that is, they have a very linear concept of time and prefer to do one thing at a time. The German culture is one of very high risk -avoidance. 民族文化特征:低语境文化,沟通精确。重点是你在说什
STEREOTYPE: Brash, materialistic. A cowboy culture where individuals are obsessed with time and deadlines. A society plagued by crime and violence角定型:性情急躁,物质化的。牛仔文化,个人痴迷于时间和最后期限。被犯罪和暴力困扰的社会
NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS, American culture is task-driven and places great value on individual achievement and thinking. Monochrome, with a very low risk-avoidance, which allows Americans to speak without thinking — and often act without thinking, sometimes in a violent manner. It is a very masculine culture, which means that society appreciates assertiveness while respecting the goal of material acquisition.民族文化特征:美国文化是任务驱动的,更多的注重个人成就和个人思想。这使美国人说话不假思索,单调的,具有非常低的风险规避,这是非常男性主义的文化,意味着社会赞赏自信,同时注重巨大的物质目标。
STEREOTYPE: Very group -oriented. Quiet, shy, reserved and highly respectful of status and position. Negotiates in groups or teams and avoids criticism of partners or proposals. Japanese will work their whole career at a single company.角定型:很以集体为主。安静,害羞,沉默寡言,对身份和地位高度尊重。小组或团队的商谈中,避免批评合作伙伴,而应是建议的。日本将在单一的一个公司中完成整个职业生涯。