1A high home inflation rate relative to other countries would               the home country’s current account balance, other things equal.  A high growth in the home income level relative to other countries would             the home countries current account balance, other things equal. C
  Aincrease; increase  Bincrease; decrease 
Cdecrease; decrease  Ddecrease; increase
2An increase in the current account deficit will place           pressure on the home currency value, other things equal.  B
  Aupward  Bdownward  Cno  Dupward or downward
3The “J curve” effect describes             
Athe continuous long-term inverse  relationship between a country’s current account balance and the country’s growth in gross national product.
Bthe short run tendency for a country’s balance of trade to deteriorate even while its currency is depreciating.
  Cthe tendency for exporters to initially reduce the price of goods when their own currency appreciates. 
Dthe reaction of a country’s currency to initially depreciate after the country’s inflation rate declines.
4  Assume that a bank’s bid rate on Swiss francs is $0.45 and its ask rate is $0.47. Its bid-ask percentage spread is           . B
Aabout 4.44%    Babout 4.26%  Cabout 4.03%  Dabout 4.17%
5Assume the spot rate of a currency is $0.37 and the 90-day forward rate is $0.36 .The forward rate of this currency exhibits a       of       on an annualized basis.D )。
Adiscount; 11.11% Bpremium; 11.11%
Cpremium; 10.8101%  Ddiscount; 10.81%
6If a US firm desires to avoid the risk from exchange rate fluctuations, and it is receiving 100,000 marks in 90 days, it could           .      (  A  )
Aobtain a 90-day forward sale contract on marks.
Bobtain a 90-day forward purchase contract on marks.
Cpurchase marks 90 days from now at spot rate.
Dsell marks 90 days from now at the spot rate.
7A large increase in the income level in France along with no growth in the U.S. income level is normally expected to cause (assuming no change in interest rates or other factors) a(n)         in French demand for U.S. goods, and the French franc should       .A
  Aincrease; depreciate        Bincrease; appreciate 
Cdepreciate; depreciate      Ddepreciate; appreciate
8If U.S. inflation suddenly increased while German inflation stayed the same , there would be           .
Aan increased US demand for marks and an increased supply of marks for sale
Ba decreased US demand for marks and an increased supply of marks for sale
Ca decreased US demand for marks and an decreased supply of marks for sale
Dan increased US demand for marks and an decreased supply of marks for sale
9Under a managed float exchange  rate system, the Fed may attempt to stimulate the US economy by         the dollar. Such an adjustment in the dollar’s value should        the US demand for products produced by major foreign countries.B
Aweakening; increase      Bweakening; decrease
Cstrengthening; increase    Dstrengthening; decrease
10Assume transaction costs are zero. If the 180-day forward rate is an accurate estimate of the spot rate 180 days from now, then the real cost of hedging receivables will be    (D)
Apositive  Bnegative  Cuncertain  Dzero
1Purchasing power parity is based on the law of one price.
2Lowering interest rates is an example of direct intervention in foreign exchange markets.
3Investing directly in foreign stocks is an example of foreign direct investment. (×
4If interest rate parity exists, then covered interest arbitrage is not feasible.
5BOP statement records the economic transactions that take place between residents and non-residents of a country.
6When ex+ em ︳>appreciates 1, to depreciate home currency is favorable to the exportation. of home country.
7In reality there is always a  conflict between domestic and external equilibrium. (√)
8BOP statement is divided into two parts, they are export and import balance. (×
9When USD depreciates 10% relative to CNY, CNY appreciates 10% relative to USD. (×)
10Countries with relatively low interest rates can expect to get capital inflows . (×