Lesson 4 Letters of Congratulations (祝贺信)
Key to Exercises
Practice 1
Complete the following chart with the information given in the samples.
Sample 1
Sample 2
outstanding student
graduation with M.B.A.
terrific; so happy
not surprised
deserve the honor
bright, quick-minded for business, relentless work ethic and commitment to quality customer service
Source of the news
on the school website
in the newspaper
With all the best wishes
all the best in your future career and life endeavors)
Practice 2
At the end of the letter of congratulations, the writer usually restates the main idea. Read these opening sentences of the letters of congratulations. Then circle the letter of the closing sentence that best restates the main idea of the letter.
1. Congratulations on your retirement.
  a. When you first came to Acme, you worked in the mail room.
. Thank you for your many years of fine service to Banswell, Inc.
2. Let me congratulate you on the opening of your new offices in Tokyo.
  . Your new branch in Japan shows that your hard work has paid off.
  b. The region should provide you with a lot of opportunities.
3. Congratulations on the opening of your new branch of the Revelation Motor Company.
  a. We have always appreciated doing business with you.
  . Best wishes for happiness and success to all of you at Revelation.
4. We congratulate you on winning the Customer Service Award.
  . We want to thank you and tell you how pleased we are that your work has been recognized.
  b. We are just one of your new, and fully satisfied customers.
5. All of us here at Winston and Bradley congratulate you on being made partner.
  a. When you were in an intern here with us, we knew you would be great lawyer.
  . Being made partner is a privilege that you richly deserve.
6. Congratulations on your wedding!
  . My best wishes to you and Sally for a life filled with joy and happiness.
  b. You and Sally make such a gorgeous couple.
7. I am delighted to learn that you and your wife are the proud parents of a new baby boy.
  a. Let me know when I may come over to see the mother and baby.
. I wish you both joy and happiness with your son.
8. Congratulations on your promotion of Vice President.
  a. All of us here are pleased that your received the recognition you deserve.
  . Again congratulations from all of us here. Your promotion is richly deserved.
Practice 3 (There are no definite answers)
Complete the following sentences with your own words and then compare them with your partner.
1.I am very delighted that you are promoted to marketing manager.
2.Please accept the congratulations of everyone here at the company on your graduation from Columbia.
3.My heartiest congratulations to you on opening your own consulting office.
4.Weve all benefited from your expertise and creativity.
5.Im so proud of you, not only for this latest accomplishment, but for the bright future you have.
6.Please allow me to congratulate you on your new appointment.
7.You cannot imagine how happy I was to hear you won the first prize in the speech contest.
8.I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your great success.
9.It is so wonderful to know you broke the record of the last National University  Games in the 100-meter dash.
10.We should like to send you our congratulations on your weddingappreciates.
Practice 5
Complete the following two letters with the proper forms of the words given.
Letter 1
April 25
Dear Mr. Rochester,
Allow me to (1) convey my congratulations on your (2) promotion to Minister of Trade. I am (3) delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been (4) recognized and appreciated.
We wish you (5) success in your new post and look forward to closer (6) cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.
Sincerely yours,
David Brown
David Brown
Letter 2
Jan. 10
Dear Mr. Thompson,
Congratulations on a(n) (7) outstanding first year at Grattan Public Relations,
Inc. A growing company like ours needs and (8) appreciates people with energy,
(9) expertise, and intuition. We are all predicting a (10) brilliant future for you.
All the best.
Zhang Wen