Unit 6
个性和对生活的看法是因人而异的。从生物宿命论(biological determinism)的观点来看,一个人是无法逃脱基因特质的。从社会宿命论(social determinism)的观点来看,一个人则无法逃脱社会环境,或者说,他的世界观基本上受其经济社会地位支配。在古代,人们认为人体内有四种体液(the cardinal humors),即血液(blood)、黏液(phlegm)、胆汁(choler) 和黑胆汁(black bile),这四种体液在一个人身上的比例决定了一个人的脾性。因此,如果我们大多数人不是独自生活在荒野里,我们肯定要与不同个性和世界观的人发生各种联系。为享有舒适的环境,我们应该努力使这些关系更加和谐。首先,我们应该欣赏多样性,而不是为多样性感到苦恼。第二,我们绝不可干涉别人的私事;绝不可嘲笑别人的品味。第三,我们应该为别人有着不同于我们追求的喜好而感到高兴。第四,我们应该尽量避免很有可能引起争论的话题。第五,我们不应希望像两个律师或政治家一样彼此没完没了地摆道理来解决一切问题。第六,我们应该记住美德和智慧可能有多种形式。第七,我们应该尽量避免引起坏脾气的各种途径和原因。当然,我们只是提供了几条努力构建和谐人际关系的原则,你还可以根据你的生活经历加上一些新的原则。
Personalities and views on life vary f rom individual to individual. In the light of biologic al determinism, one can not escape from hereditary traits. In the light of social determinism, one can not escape from social environment; in other words, one’s world outlook is largely determined by his economic-social status. In ancient times, people were believed to have four different cardinal humors, namely blood, phlegm, choler and black bile, whose relative proportions in a person determined his mental qualities. Therefore, if most of us should not live alone in a wilderness, we are sure to have various relations with people of different personalities and world outlooks. We should endeavor to make these relations more harmonious so as to enjoy more comfortable surroundings. Firstly we should appreciate diversities rather than feel distressed by diversities. Secondly, we should never intrude on others’ privacy, or never ridicule others , tastes. Thirdly, weappreciates should take delight in others ’ pursuits different from our own. Fourthly,we should avoid as far as possible having subjects which are most likely to cause disputation. Fifthly, we should not wish to settle everything by contending endlessly with each other just like two lawyers or two politicians. Sixthly, we should remember that virtues and wisdom may be displayed in various forms. S
eventhly, we should cut off as far as possible the means and causes of ill-temper. Of course , we have only offered a list of principles in an effort to build up harmonious relationships between people, and you may add more to the list from your own life experiences.
Unit 7
The author holds that there is an essential difference between being international and bein
g cosmopolitan. Being national is an essential prerequisite of fostering international spirit. International peace advocates opposition to war in any form and not a peace after the destruction of nations. He believes that the more a man really appreciates and admires the character of another nation, the less he will attempt to imitate it, for it is too deep to imitate. The problem with most people is that they tend to make a sweeping generalization of the character of a particular nation just based on some fleeting impressions. In addition, we should understand that language could be deemed as the symbolic designation of a people in the broadest sense, for it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their way of thinking. Language and culture are interrelated with and interdependent upon each other. Therefore, it is extremely important to study their language and acquire knowledge of their culture if you wish to understand the character of a certain nation.
Unit 10
When he talks about being human, Lin Yutang elaborates on human dignity. He says that human beings are superior to any other living creatures thanks to human dignity which consists of several elements. First of all, human beings have playful curiosity, which could be the first signs of developing human intelligence. Secondly, human beings have dreams. A man has the capacity and tendency to dream of another world though living in a real world. He says that the world is just like an a la carte restaurant where everybody thinks that the food the next table has ordered is invariably much more inviting and delicious than
his own. Thirdly, human beings have a sense of humor. He eulogizes humor immensely, thinking that humor goes with good sense and the reasonable spirit, plus some subtle power of the mind in detecting inconsistencies and follies and bad logic. Humor is the highest form of human intelligence. Lin Yutang also talks in detail about the doctrine of the individual. He holds that the final judgment of any particular culture is what type of men and women it turns out as far as culture is concerned. He also uses the argument of Confucianism to illustrate his own point that when personal life is cultivated, then home life is regulated; when home life is regulated then national life is regulated, then the
world is at peace.
Unit 14
The scientific culture and the artistic culture show incomprehension and even dislike towards each other. Either culture does not know the virtues of the other, and it seems that it deliberately does not want to know the virtues of the other. The scientific culture seems to view with indifference philosophy, especially metaphysics. Music is perhaps among the arts the one that is the most cultivated as personal interests among scientists. As a rule, scientist do not show much interest in poetry or novels. It seems that the younger rank-and-file of scientists read very little literary works. Most scientists are immersed in their own work. They would claim that you couldnt comprehend the world unless you acquire knowle
dge about the structure of science, in particular of physical science. To tell the truth, very few among those who are engaged in artistic work are concerned about scientific work. Some people hold that the scientist is like the rising sun, constantly and incessantly gaining splendor, while the artist is going downhill, sinking into obscurity by degrees. Russel holds that the scientist is more fortunate than the artist. He says,When the public cannot understand a picture or a poem,they conclude that it is a bad picture or a bad poem. When they cannot understand the theory of relativity they, conclude (rightly) that their education has been insufficient. We maintain that the scientific culture and the artistic culture need more mutual understanding, which may help the public understand the world in a comprehensive manner. In the end,they may display much interest in not only such issues as size and speed, but also such issues as beauty and elegance.