put off例句
    Put off这个短语是指推迟或延迟。以下是一些关于put off的例句,用于帮助你理解并应用这个短语。
    1. I can't put off this meeting any longer. - 我不能再推迟这个会议了。
2. She put off buying a new car until her salary increased. - 她一直推迟买新车,直到她的薪水增加了。
3. He put off making a decision until he had all the facts. - 他一直推迟做出决定,直到他掌握了所有的事实。
4. The weather is not good today, so we have to put off our picnic until next weekend. - 今天天气不好,所以我们不得不把野餐推迟到下个周末。最后一刻
5. Don't put off studying for your exams until the last minute. - 别把考试前的学习推迟到最后一刻。
6. They had to put off the wedding due to the pandemic. - 因为疫情的原因,他们不得不推迟婚礼。
7. I keep putting off cleaning my room, but I know I need to do it. - 我一直推迟清理房间的时间,但我知道我需要做。
8. If you keep putting off your workout, you'll never reach your fitness goals. - 如果你一直推迟健身,你永远不会达到你的健身目标。
9. The CEO decided to put off the meeting until after lunch. - CEO决定把会议推迟到午餐后。
10. She always puts off doing her taxes until the last possible moment. - 她总是推迟做税务,直到最后一刻。
    以上就是关于put off的一些例句,希望能帮助您更好地理解并使用这个短语。记住,有时推迟并不是最好的选择,尽可能地避免将事情拖延到最后一刻。