November 24th, is our anniversary, you give me that day. Although I love you, but or you gave me the white, I love you, love, if possible I would like to go with you to everlasting, we seem to shy for this sudden love. But it doesn't matter, I will in an effort to turn the situation around, and change the status quo, believe me, believe me!
十一月二十四日,是我们的纪念日,那天你给我表白啦。虽然是我先喜欢的你,但是还是你给我表的白,我爱你,非常爱,如果有可能我想跟你走到天荒地老,我们似乎很羞涩对于这段突如其来爱情,但是没关系,我会努力扭转这个局面,并且改变这个现状,相信我,BELIEVE ME!