A week's holiday,good or bad,what do you think?Our national day will be off for a few days,and there will be another week's holiday.Just like the May Day holiday,many people welcome a week's holiday,busy planning where and how to spend the seven days,because many people don't like me.What does a week's holiday mean for a period of time of boredom,boredom,melancholy and helplessness?I want anyone who has experienced the pain of May holiday Will share my feelings with me.
关于假期的英语作文I remember clearly that from May Day,to be exact,a few days before May Day,the shopping season began,and most stores extended their shopping hours in response to their enthusiastic customers.Almost every big store has special coupons,instant lucky draw and various promotional activities to attract potential customers.More and more shoppers flock to department stores.
The purchasing power of stores is high.Almost everywhere there are traffic jams.People look completely exhausted at bus stops:and taxi stops.
When people are pushed or cut in line,anger will explode Hair.Impatient drivers honked each other's horns from time to time;the railway station was full of passengers,who rushed to the platform like a swarm of bees,and then crowded into the train seats as if there were no tomorrow.In the dining room,tables were lined up from the kitchen by rows of waiters,with all kinds of edible things in their hands,orders being held feverishly,and then shouting and serving into the kitchen There's a lot of excitement and excitement everywhere.
The vivid scene that happened a few months ago is full of chaos and chaos.I'm really afraid that the play will be repeated soon.Really,a week's holiday can help activate the economy,but for the depression after the festival,people can undoubtedly have a lot of leisure,but leisure does not always bring much happiness.