第1章 经济学的思维方式 问题与讨论
1. 人们如果想进行有效的合作,互相得有多少了解?比较下面两种情况:其一,两个家庭成员计划去度假;其二,两个摩托车手同时经过路口。在这两种情况下,如何避免“撞车”?为了供应你今天的早饭,有多少人参与了合作?你对他们的兴趣、性情和品格了解多少?
英文This question highlights the significant but widely-overlooked fact that a great deal of important cooperation occurs among people who know absolutely nothing about one another.  A married couple planning a vacation together typically cooperates by using extensive and detailed knowledge of each other's preferences, habits, allergies, and so on.  But the people who cooperated to make orange juice, cereal, milk, and coffee available to Boettke this morning didn't even know that Boettke exists or, for the most part, about the existence of the others whose cooperation helped to produce his breakfast.  Economic theory is especially useful in explaining how cooperation occurs in cases of the latter sort, and also why cooperation sometimes fails to occur.
英文Drivers would have little trouble deciding they were on urgent missions, and the "urgent" lane would probably be just as crowded as all the others.  Even in a world of unselfish drivers, it would be impossible for drivers to assess the relative urgency of their own and other drivers' missions.  Moreover, the more inconsiderate drivers would be most ready to use the "urgent" lanes, so that such a system would end up providing a time subsidy to the projects of more selfish drivers through a time tax on the projects of more considerate drivers.
3. 当特蕾莎嬷嬷在1979年10月获得诺贝尔和平奖时,想用19万美元的奖金建设一所麻风病院,她是不是在根据自己的利益行事?她这样做是不是利己?她是不是在优化?那么阿尔·戈尔承诺将他2007年诺贝尔奖的150万美元奖金捐给气候保护联盟呢?
法学是学什么的英文Since Mother Teresa was interested in building a leprosarium(麻风病院), she clearly furthered her own interest in doing so.  But it would be odd to call this "selfish behavior."  Acting in one's own interest is selfish only if one's interests are selfish.  Contrary to what many economists carelessly assert, economic theory does not assume that everyone behaves selfishly.  Perhaps economists even mislead people when they say that "people act in their own interest."  It might be better to say that people act to promote the projects in which they are interested.  That avoids the misleading suggestion
that economic theory postulates selfish or greedy behavior.  It does not do so.  Did Mother Teresa economize?  Sure.  She decided how to best use her $190,000 award.  She could have donated it all to the Jerry Lewis Telethon, invested it in Yahoo! stock, or donated it for the purchase of new books at the Calcutta Library.  She instead used the award to promote what she believed was the most urgent project demanding her attention.  Because that award could have been used for other valuable projects, she economized.  She selected the most valuable use – in her view -- for that money. 
东西都捐给Jerry Lewis Telethon、投资Yahoo股票,或者捐赠给Calcutta Library购买新书。但是她利用这个奖项来宣传她认为最紧迫最需要关注的项目。因为这个奖项本来可以用于其他有价值的项目,所以她节省了成本。在她看来,她选择了最有价值的用途来支付这笔钱。
英文The author of that newspaper item was probably trying to distinguish between mothers whose primary goal is additional income when they choose to work, and mothers whose primary goal is something else, such as the satisfaction of a fulfilling career, or an opportunity to escape the insistent demands of their children.  But both kinds of mothers choose to work, although some choose joyfully and others no doubt choose with sadness and regret.
5. 金钱的激励有多重要?1995年5月1日的《华尔街日报》报道了卡普兰教育中心进行的一项调查的结果,调查对象是即将参加法学院入学考试的学生。所提的问题是,什么东西吸引他们从事法律事业。只有8%的人回答说他们是受到高薪吸引,但62%的人认为别人是受到高薪吸引。你如何解释这种不一致?后蹬跑
爱国卫生工作计划英文武则天墓在哪:We could interpret these results as evidence that people are ashamed to admit an interest in financial rewards.  Alternatively, the results may indicate that people are less charitable in judging other people's behavior than in judging their own.  People recognize the complexity of their own motivations more readily than they concede the complexity of other people's motivations.  But even if the financial rewards are not a prime factor in most people's decision to attend law school, they surely play some role in almost everyone's choice.  Changes in the income prospects of lawyers will therefore affect the n颜之推
umber of people choosing to enter law school.