积极履行企业责任,特制订本防控措施。In order to do a comprehensive job in epidemic prevention and control, we must focus on production and epidemic prevention and control, make every effort to ensure the resumption of work and production, and actively fulfill our corporate responsibilities.
(一)全面开展人员排查(1) carry out personnel screening
全面排查本单位人员的健康状况和活动轨迹等情况,精准掌握,建立台账,进行动态更新。通知目前仍在疫情重点地区的人员,要遵守当地政府采取的疫情防控措施,不得违反规定擅自离开。1. Personnel checking and remote management Comprehensively check the health status and activity track of the personnel in the unit, accurately grasp, establish a ledger, and conduct dynamic update. People who are still in the key areas of the epidemic situation shoul
d be informed to comply with the epidemic prevention and control measures taken by the local government and not to leave without authorization in violation of regulations.
对仍在湖北境内的员工一律暂不返回。对其他地区返程员工,确因工作需要返岗的,严格落实居家隔离医学观察14天,在解除隔离后体温检测正常的情况下可以返岗。2. Key object management Employees still in hubei province will not return temporarily. For returning employees from other areas who really need to return to their posts due to work, home quarantine medical observation shall be strictly implemented for 14 days, and they can return to their posts if their temperature is normal after the quarantine is removed.
(二)做好复产复工的防控准备工作(2) make good preparations for the prevention and control of the resumption of production and work
1.物资配备垃圾桶 英文
品,满足正常生产需要。1. Supplies The administrative department shall prepare protective items such as masks and gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant water, alcohol and other disinfectant products according to the relevant prevention and control requirements to meet the needs of normal production.
复产复工前,行政部组织专人对办公区域进行全面环境卫生清理,重点设施设备要进行彻底消杀,保持良好通风,防止病毒传播蔓延,确保不留死角、不漏盲区。2. Environmental elimination Prior to the resumption of production and work, the administrative department shall organize specially-assigned persons to carry out a comprehensive environmental sanitation cleaning in the office area, complete elimination of key facilities and equipment, maintain good ventilation, prevent the spread of the virus, and ensure that no dead spots or blind spots are left.
3.环境改造按照防控要求,完成对工作区域环境改造和准备,在工作区域配置通风设备,配置洗手液,口罩回收垃圾桶。 3. Environmental improvement According to the prevention a
nd control requirements, complete the environmental renovation and preparation of the working area, and install ventilation equipment, hand sanitizer, and face mask recycling garbage cans in the working area.
通过在线方式,组织复工员工完成防护知识,普及防控知识的学习,强化员工科学防范意识,提升防范防护能力,同时让员工做好个人餐具的准备,上班路线的规划等复工准备工作。4. Staff prevention and control work training and work preparation Through the online way, organize the returning employees to complete the knowledge of protection, popularize the knowledge of prevention and control, strengthen the scientific awareness of prevention, improve the ability of prevention and protection, and make the employees ready for personal tableware, work route planning and other preparatory work.
(三)复产复工后防控措施及管理(3) prevention and control measures and management after the resumption of production and work
复工人员上下班尽量不要乘坐公共交通工具。确需乘坐公共交通工具的,须全程佩戴口罩,途中尽量避免用手触摸车上物品。自驾车上班的员工也应该定期对私家车车辆座椅、门把手等部位消毒。1. Employee travel management Returning workers should avoid using public transportation to get to and from work. If you really need to take public transport, you should wear a mask at all times and try to avoid touching things on the bus. Employees who drive to work should also regularly disinfect the seats, door handles and other parts of the car.
做好工作和生活区域防护工作,每天两次对办公室、会议室以及卫生间等公共区域进行消毒,特别注重对门把手、键盘、鼠标等关键部位进行消毒。2. Continuous protection of the area Do the work and living area protection work, twice a day to the office, conference room and toilet and other public areas for disinfection, special attention to the door handle, keyboard, mouse and other key parts of the disinfection.
做好每日两次员工体温测量和记录。要求员工正确佩戴口罩,废弃口罩放入指定垃圾桶内,并用75%酒精或含氯消毒剂对垃圾桶进行消毒处理。注重个人卫生和环境整洁,使用肥皂或洗手液并用流动水常洗手勤洗手,用一次性纸巾或干净毛巾擦手。3. Personal protection management Take temperature measurement and record twice daily. Employees are required to properly wear masks, discard masks into designated trash cans, and disinfect the trash cans with 75% alcohol or chlorine-containing disinfectant. Pay attention to personal hygiene and the environment is neat, use soap or hand sanitizer to wash hands frequently and frequently with flowing water, wipe hands with disposable paper towel or clean towel.