Analysis on the Inevitability of the tragedy of R & J
Abstract: There are various causes that result in the love tragedy between R & J. Many clues in the story has paved for their tragedy and hinted that the ending of their love story would be romantic but sad. I will analyses the inevitability of their love tragedy from three aspects.
Key words: love tragedy  inevitability  social background  family contraction  personal character
1. Social background——The tragedy is the inevitability result of the development of social background.
  We say that a literature accomplished in a special historical period must have its own distinct features of time. R & J is written in the late 16th century, the Renaissance began to sprout and feudalism in England was falling. Shakespeare put the social background of that time into his work, so R & J are the representatives of rising bourgeois who living in the Renaissance period and influenced by the Humanism.
As the spirit core of the Renaissance period, the Humanism emphasizes to care for people and take people as the main body. It advocates tolerant, promotes individuality liberation, pursuits the real love in life, pursuits the freedom and equality, opposes hierarchy, advocates rational, against feudalism and backward feudal idea. Because under the deep influence of this thought, R & J still pursuit their love bravely after knowing the identity of each other, regardless of the hared of the feudal family and the discourage of friends. They abandon medieval asceticism to pursuit a true love with a combination of spirit and flesh tenaciously. However, the Humanism of Renaissance period and Feudalism are irreconcilable contradiction, which leads to R & Js love was destined to become a victim of ideological progress and social development.
2. The family contraction 
The opening poem said that:
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
Thus it can be seen that the feudal aristocracy Montague and Capulet family had have a deep hatred and bitterness, it represents the competing for feudal force which late from the middle age, meanwhile, it also represents the old rotten cannot coordinate the contradiction between feudalism thought itself. But their children fell in love with each other. The conflict between love and hate, its the inevitable result of the struggle between humanism thought and inevitable thought. This is bedding for the bed ending of the love tragedy of R & J.
3. The character of inevitability
I only analyses the personal character of the two main roles.
Romeo and Juliet their characters have dual nature.
Romeo is gentle, warm and kind. He has a strong pursuit of freedom and true love. But on the other hand, he is not mature and rational enough, so he finally made his love a great disaster just in order to revenge for his friend. He doesnt have a independent idea but in the hope of the priest. His blind of love and the pursuit of the faith let him underestimated the two feudal family, which eventually led to their death.
  And Juliet is naïve, lively, rich rational, brave and intelligent composed. But she was too weak and naive, facing to his father's threat, she showed the helpless and made the same choice to Romeo, that is asking the priest for help. She is a typical idealist, wrongly estimated the gap between ideal and reality. She thought of things too simple, eventually led to the tragedy of love.
爱情悲剧So, the two characters personality of the main roles showed that the emerging bourgeoisie is weak and compromising when faced to feudal forces. So it does, their brave but immature love is doomed to failure.
Reference thesis: 浅析罗密欧与朱丽叶爱情悲剧的必然性 - 豆丁网
URL:  www.docin/p-709878751.html
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The similarity between The Flea and To His Coy Mistress
At first, both Andrew Marvel and John Donne are the metaphysical poets. John Donne is the representative of metaphysical poetry in the seventeen century in Britain. And Marvel also is a metaphysical poet in the English Renaissance. So, they are all influenced by humanism and metaphysical school.