  Our life our a lot of things nearly every day. Some we may forget and some we may remember. There is one thing I won’t forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she es to the world I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact although I have guessed so many times I still couldn’t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn’t forget the moment I saw her.我们的生活几乎每天都会发生很多事情。有些我们可能会忘记,有些我们可能会记得。有一件事我永远不会忘记。这是我妹妹的出生。在她来到这个世界之前,我曾想象过她所期待的无数次。事实上,虽然我已经猜了很屡次,我还是打不到重点。我从来都不知道一个新生的孩子会如此微小和皱纹。但她只是喜欢天使。看到她,我感觉我的心马上就暖和起来。我无法忘记我见到她的那一刻。
  A unforgettable activity in schoolI am a student in a schoolwe have many activities in school besides our daily study.We often have sports meeting every spring or autumnthere are singing petions each year.The most impressed activity I've participated is the debate petition.It was hold in the assembly hall.Many students were present as the audiences.We were all very nervous as the debater on the stage.When the debate beganeach of us tried our best to express our opinions and the evidence we had.Fortunately I am talktive and improvised.and I was also well-prepared beforethe relative material were all prepared.I said out a lot about the reasons we have and also gave some examples and my experience extrodinarily.All of this made us win at last.That's my most impressed activity in school time.在学校的一次难忘的活动是一个在校学生,我们除了我们日常的学习在学校的许多活动。我们经常在春季或者秋季举行运动会,每年都有歌唱比赛,我参加过的最深刻的活动是辩论比赛。它是在集会大厅举行的。许多学生在场作为观众,我们都很紧张,舞台上的辩论。辩论开始时,我们每个人都尽力表达我们的意见,我们有证据。幸运的是我很健谈和即兴。我还准备好之前,相关材料都准备好了。我说了很多关于我们的原因,还举了一些例子,我的地。所有这一切都使我们赢得最后的胜利。这是我印象最深刻的活动,在学校的时候。
  have an unforgettable moment in my life.When i was studying in 8th standard i was the first rank holder in my class.I have a good name in my school.One day my principal wrongfully caught me for a mischief of breaking the glass in my classroom.I told her that i am not the real one who broke it.She was not convinced.She gave me a punishment to kneel down in the ground the whole day.I kneeled down in the school ground the whole day.At the end of the day she came to know the real person who broke it.She was very upset and even asked sorry for it.在我的生命中有一个令人难忘的时刻。我在学习的第八个标准我是全班排名第一的人。我在学校的一个很好的名字。有一天,我的主要错误地抓住了我一个恶作剧,在我的课堂打破玻璃。我告诉她,我不是一个真正的人了它。她不相信。她给了我一个惩罚跪在整个天地。我跪在整个一天的学校的场地,在一天完毕的时候,她才知道真正的人是谁打破了它。她很难过,甚至要懊悔的。