One, introduction
  国际⼉童节(⼜称⼉童节,International Children's Day),它是保障世界各国⼉童的⽣存权、保健权和受教育权,为了改善⼉童的⽣活,为了反对虐杀⼉童和毒害⼉童的节⽇。⼤多数国家通常定为每年的6⽉1⽇。⽬前,各国政府普遍关注⼉童的未来,保护⼉童的权益。联合国1990年通过的《⼉童权利公约》,我国是参与制定国和签约国之⼀。在批准《⼉童权利公约》的同⼀年,我国颁布了《中华⼈民共和国未成年⼈保护法》,这对维护少年⼉童的权益起到了积极的作⽤。
The international children's Day (also known as children's day, International Children's Day), it is to protect the world 's children to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children, in order to oppose the children and poisoning children festival. Most countries usually in June 1st each year. At present, governments are generally concerned about the future of children, protect children's rights and interests. The United Nations in 1990 through the "Convention on the rights of the child", China is involved in developing countries and signatory. In approving the "Convention on the rights of the child"
in the same year, China promulgated the "the people's Republic of China Law on the protection of minors", which has positive action to safeguard the rights of children play.
Two, origin
Children are the future masters of the country, therefore, how to provide children a good family, social or learning environment, but world goal. 1925 August was held in Swiss Geneva International Conference on child welfare, first put forward the concept of "International Children's day".
This conference has 54 countries representatives gathered of caring for children, "International Confer
ence on" the well-being of children in Geneva, through the "Geneva declaration" protection of children. The declaration, for children's mental due to enjoy, poor children, children work to avoid dangerous relief, children opportunities to earn a livelihood, and how to save the children and other issues, are discussed.
Since the meeting, hand to encourage children, let children feel happy, happy, on the other hand also to cause social attention and care, governments have established "children's day".
Especially during the Second World War, in 1942 June, the German Fascist shot of the Czech village of Lidice men over the age of 16 citizens and all more than 140 babies, and women and 90 children ta
ken to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned, a village it was ruined by the German fascists. To mourn Lidice village and the world all the victims of fascist aggression in children, and oppose the imperialist warmongers murder and poisoning of children, protect children's rights, in 1949 November the International Democratic women's Federation held the Executive Committee in Moscow, a formal decision in June 1st each year for the world of children's festival, the international children's day.
In 1951 April, the International Democratic women's Federation meeting in Moscow, decided to June 1st of each year as the international children's day.
That resolution calls for the protection of the world 's children to survival, health and education rights. Pointed out: all the world's democratic groups and adult men and women to struggle with the hired men and women of child labor, by the state to protect children's health, with a cut of the funds needed to satisfy children.
At present, many countries in the world will be June 1st as children's festival, especially in socialist countries. In Europe and the United States, children's Day date each are not identical, and there is often little celebrations. Therefore, some people are often misunderstood as only socialist countries will be in June 1st as the children's day. In fact, in recent years, the United States, some organizations have begun to consider the children's day in June 1st.
Three, the children's Day
1, China, April 4th -- June 1st
People's Republic of China in June 1st each year for the international children's day. The Government Administration Council of the Central People's Government in December 23, 1949 the provisions of the "six one" the international children's Day festival for the Chinese children, and announced the abolition of the KMT government in 1931 introduced in April 4th for the child festival provisions. China is the first children's day in twenty-one years (1932 April 4th). In twenty years (1931), "the Shanghai of the Salesian society" initiated proposals, hope that the government in April 4th each year for children's day. Subsequently, the Ministry of education to develop a way to mark children's day, and in the implementation of the following April 4th.
The Hongkong Special Administrative Region, in the common folk, children's Day is reserved for the April 4th. More civil way to celebrate the gift to send toys to children, or to accompany children to eat or play. Taiwan is also still in April 4th for the annual children's festival.
In March 3rd 2, Japan -- "girl's Day"; "boy's Day"; in May 5th November 15th "seven five three" children's Day
(1) the boy festival. Children's day in Japan, called the "children's Day" (Japanese: language services will Japan), is a traditional festival. Every year on May 5th, Japanese families will celebrate the children grow up. Before World War II, this festival is called "Dragon Boat Festival" (Japanese: the Dragon Boat Festival, the festival) and just a boy. In 1948, when the festival became a public holiday, it will become a celebration of all the happiness and welfare of children festival. In the festive day, marking Japan's family will be hoisted on the roof of the fish-shaped, symbol of children used to eliminate bad luck, overcome difficulties, the smooth growth.
(2) the girl's day. March 3rd each year is the girls section. In Japanese, and this day is called "doll Festival", "Peach Blossom
Festival" (because the past girl Festival is on lunar March 3rd, when the peach blossoms in full bloom, hence the name). Home furnishings dolls-girls to celebrate the traditional festival activities. On this day, all the girls of the family will set up a ladder-like dolls planes in the living room, placed above all dressed in Japanese kimonos small dolls (doll), to celebrate the girls grow up healthy. Even these small, have their own production, but also to buy. Japanese people as long as girls are born, parents, grandparents or relatives and friends will be sent her a beautiful little dolls. A set of dolls, generally 15, the emperor and empress, 3 court ladies, 5 musicians, 2 ministers and 3 guards. These small gestures
of different dolls, true to life likeness. Today's Japanese girl, is not usually wear kimono (Japanese traditional clothing). But in the girl's day, but they will wear the beautiful kimono, and invited to his most intimate partners, we sat around OuRen, enjoy joking, playing, happy to celebrate the festival.
(3) "seven five three" children's day. In November 15th, Japan's "seven five three" children's day. Custom in Japan, at the age of three, five and seven years old are three young friends especially lucky, so every year on this day, will be dedicated to these three young children to celebrate a bustling. This day, the children will be put on the best of traditional kimono, but also the back of a painting of the pine trees, the tortoise or crane such as patterns of small paper bags, paper bags filled with parents to buy candy and toys. Dress neatly, the parents will take the children on the Japanese Shinto shrine, pray and thank the gods to bring healthy and happy children.
3, South Korea -- May 5th
South Korean children's Day (Korean:) began in 1975, is evolved from the "boy's Day". This is South Korea's public holiday, set in the annual May 5th. Parents often in this day to take the kids to the park, zoo or other recreational facilities, let the children happily spend holidays.
4, India -- November 14th
In India, children's Day is the founding Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's birthday is on November 14th every year. On this special day, India will be the children of the rich flavor of various ethnic dance, music performances, the government will come forward to organize celebration activities.
5, Turkey -- April 23rd
In April 23rd, Turkey is the "national sovereignty and children's day". This festival from Turkey during the war of independence in 1920, Turkey National Congress meeting date. In 1929, according to the child protection organization, this day was designated as children's day. From 1986 onwards, the Turkey government began to celebrate International Children's day in April 23rd.
6, Thailand -- the second Saturday of January
Thailand's children's day on the second Saturday of January.
7 -- October 1st, Singapore
8, Indonesia -- July 23rd
July 23rd is children's day in Indonesia, the family circumstances are good children's playground, shopping mall; poor children but still want to help at home to earn money. Indonesia currently has 11700000 school-age children drop out of school.
9, Germany -- September 20th
  在冷战期间,东西德国在⼉童节上做法迥然不同。⾸先,⽇期就不⼀样:东德(民主德国)定在6⽉1⽇,西德(联邦德国)定在9⽉20⽇;其名字也不同:东德称作“国际⼉童节”(“internationaler Kindertag”),西德称为“世界⼉童
During the cold war, East and West Germany in the children's Day is be totally different. First of all, the date is not the same: East Germany (German Democratic Republic) in June 1st, West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) in September 20th; their names are different: East Germany called "International Children's Day" ("Internationaler Kindertag"), West Germany, known as the "world children's Day" ("Weltkindertag"). In addition, there is also the difference between the traditional festival.
In democratic Germany, children's day began in 1950, after a year on this day, the children are the happiest day in a year. Parents often received the blessings and gifts, the school will hold a special celebration activities, such as outing etc.. In the Federal Republic of Germany, children's day and no special significance, many people do not even know the existence of this festival.
With the unification of Germany in 1990, children's Day date and name of the West Germany become the official uniform standards. However, in many parts of East Germany, people still can not change old habits and call. Therefore, in June 1st each year, many parents and children will continue to celebrate children's day.
In August 7th 10, Sweden -- "boy's Day"; "girl's day December 13th"
Sweden also relatively small share of the children's day, August 7th is the annual "boy's Day", also known as the "Lobster Festival", which means to encourage the country boy lobster courage to learn. On this day, children want to dress like Jackie Chan shrimp, performing some very lovely and lively program.
In December 13th, is a Swedish "girl's Day", also called "goddess Luci a f e s t i v a l " . L u c i a i s d e d i c a t e d t o t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e S w e d i s h l e g e n d a r y g o d d e s s o f g i r l s , e a c h t o t h i s f e s t i v a l , t h e g i r l s s h o u l d b e d r e s s e d a s t h e g o d d e s s s h a p e , d o g o o d f o r o t h e r c h i l d r e n . / p >