端午节手抄报 英语句子
“The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar.” (端午节,又称为端午节,是中国农历五月初五的传统节日。)
“This festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a famous poet and statesman from ancient China.” (这个节日是为了纪念中国古代著名诗人、政治家屈原的逝世。)
“People celebrate this festival by participating in dragon boat races, eating zongzi, and hanging up pouches of herbs to ward off evil spirits.” (人们通过参加龙舟比赛、吃粽子和挂上草药袋来庆祝这个节日,以驱除邪灵。)
“The dragon boat races are a thrilling and exciting event, where teams paddle in sync to the beat of drums, and spectators cheer them on.” (龙舟比赛是一个惊险刺激的活动,在鼓声的引导下,队伍齐刷刷地划桨,观众们为他们加油打气。)
“Zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, is a must-eat food during the Dragon Boat Festival.” (端午节期间必吃的传统食物是粽子,一种用竹叶包裹的糯米团。)
“Hanging pouches of herbs, such as artemisia and calamus, on doors or windows is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits during this festival.” (在节日期间,在门或窗户上挂上艾草和菖蒲等草药袋被认为可以带来好运和避邪。)
Dragon boat races are an ancient Chinese tradition during the Dragon Boat Festival. It is an exhilarating experience as teams compete in long boats, propelled by paddlers to the beat of drums. The sound of the drums sets the pace and brings an added level of excitement to the event.
Eating zongzi is an essential part of celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival. These sticky ric
e dumplings are usually filled with a variety of ingredients such as beans, meat, or nuts, and wrapped in bamboo leaves. The combination of flavors from the filling, the fragrance of the bamboo leaves, and the sticky texture of the rice makes zongzi a delicious treat during this festival.
Hanging pouches of aromatic herbs on doors and windows is a common practice during the Dragon Boat Festival. The herbs, such as artemisia and calamus, not only add a refreshing fragrance to the surroundings but are also believed to have protective and purifying properties. It is a way to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck to the household.
端午节的手抄报 关于屈原的故事
Qu Yuan was a renowned poet and statesman in ancient China. He was deeply patriotic and expressed his concerns about the state of the country through his poetry. His loyalty and love for his country made him a highly respected figure.
Qu Yuan’s life took a tragic turn when his advice to the king was not heeded, and the state
fell into turmoil. Feeling deep sorrow and despair, he drowned himself in the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.
The Dragon Boat Festival is held in remembrance of Qu Yuan’s sacrifice. Legend has it that after his death, people threw rice dumplings into the river to prevent fish from feeding on his body. Hence, the tradition of eating zongzi emerged.
In an attempt to scare away evil spirits, people also paddled out in boats, beating the water with their oars to create loud noises. This is said to symbolize their attempts to rescue Qu Yuan’s body from the river.
The Dragon Boat Festival is not only a time for celebration but also carries deep cultural and historical significance for the Chinese people.
This festival serves as a reminder of the importance of patriotism and loyalty towards one’s nation. It honors Qu Yuan’s courage and love for his country, making him a symbol of
self-sacrifice and devotion.
The dragon boat races symbolize teamwork, unity, and the spirit of perseverance. The rhythmic paddling and synchronized movements of the teams demonstrate the power of collective effort.
The tradition of eating zongzi during this festival signifies the act of remembering and paying homage to the past. It connects people to their ancestors and their cultural heritage.
Hanging pouches of herbs is believed to bring blessings and protection to households during this festival. It represents a desire for good fortune, health, and the warding off of negative energies.
“Dragon Boat Festival in China.” TravelChinaGuide. [source](
Sorry about that, here are some more sentences for you:
“The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional holidays in China, with a history of over 2,000 years.” (端午节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,有着2000多年的历史。)