阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文.
When my daughters reached the third and fourth grades, I occasionally allowed them to walk to and from school alone, if the weather permitted. One warm spring day, a small friend followed them home after school. This friend was different from any other friends they had brought home. With a yellowish coat and tiny brown spots dropped across her nose, she was the cutest puppy I had ever seen.
When my husband got home that evening, he recognized the breed——a beagle puppy猎兔犬, not more than twelve weeks old, he guessed. She ran to him right away and after dinner climbed into his lap to watch TV. By now the girls were both begging me to keep her.
She had no collar or identifying marks of any sort. I didn't know what to do. I thought about running an ad in the lost-and-found but I really didn't want to. It would break the kids' hearts if someone should show up. Besides, her owners should have watched her more closely. I tried to find seemingly logical reasons to explain my behavior.
By the end of the week, she was part of our family. We had named the puppy Molly. She was very intelligent and good with the girls. This was a good idea, I thought. It was time for the girls to take responsibility for another life, so they would learn the nurturing skills they'd need if they decided to become mommies when they grew up.
The following week, something told me to check the lost-and-found section in the local paper. One particular ad jumped out at me and my heart pounded with fear at what I read. Someone was asking for the return of a lost beagle puppy near our grade school. They sounded desperate. My hand shook.
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: Instead, I pretended I hadn't seen the ad.
Paragraph 2: I knew in my heart I had to call that number and see if our Molly was the puppy they were desperately seeking.
第一篇是关于作者的女儿放学回家捡到一只小狗, 特别喜欢所以就留下来了,后来在报纸上看到了相关的寻狗启事,作者的conscience经历了重重波折,最后还是拿起了电话联系了失主,把狗还回去的故事。
以文thought but I really didn't want to 和Instead, I pretended I hadn't seen ... never said a word about it等可知主人公“我”不仅没有立刻发布招领启示而且在看到狗主人发布寻狗启示后还视而不见,可以看出“我”是一个喜欢狗的人,但是根据 break the kids hearts,可知我知道孩子们喜欢狗。
my conscience was bothering ... It was the most difficult thing I had ever done等我们可以看出“我”心里其实很矛盾。因为“我”知道Molly的主人也在很着急。
伏笔是作为在续写下文时可能出现的人物或事件的预先提示或暗示,目的达到“前有伏笔,后有照应”的效果。文章通过前I really didn't want to, pretended I hadn't seen the advertisement等心理描写刻面了为下文续写“我”和孩子们不舍小狗离开进而升华主题很好地埋下铺垫。通过It was the cutest dog及It looked like a MollyIt followed the girls everywhere they wentWhen they did the housework, it was there to lend a hand等对的刻画以及By now we had named the dog来烘托“我”们对小狗的喜爱,为下文“我”最后做出让步
由第-一段首句内容With mixed feelings,I finally picked up the phone( 我百感交集,终于拿起了电话可设问如下
1. Did I finally dial the number?
2 What did I feel?
3 Was the owner Molly's owner?
4What did the owner decide to do?(这个问题结合第二段首句提问
根据第二段首句 I asked the woman to come i and she quickly bent over and hugged Molly tightly ( 我让那个女人进来,她很快弯下腰紧紧地拥抱着莫莉) 可设问如下
5 What did my daughters and I feel?
6 Did we return Molly?
7.What did we learn from this experience?(这个问题河结合故事的主旨提问
With mixed feelings, I finally picked up the phone.1Overwhelmed by the unwillingness of giving Molly back deeply, l knew that she belonged to someone else, someone who had been desperately searching for her.So I dialed the number in the advertisement.Each ring felt like an eternity, and my mind raced with thoughts of questioning whether I was doing the right thing.Hearing her trembling and exciting voice, I could feel her worries and anxiety. We immediately set a time for her to come over and pick up Molly.It wasn't long before she arrived.
I asked the woman to come in and she quickly bent over and hugged Molly tightly.Seeing such a moment for reunion, I couldn't help feeling a sense of relief and fulfillment.Then, I told my daughters what had happened and asked them to say goodbye to Molly.Obviously,
My little girls were saddened by Molly's departure, crying out loudly.However, they eventually knew that we made the right decision that Molly would be back where she truly belonged.Torn by the the sadness of Molly's leaving and the responsibility of returning her to her rightful owner, we bid dear Molly farewell.And in our hearts, we would hold onto the memories of the time we spent with Molly, cherishing the joy and love she brought into our lives.
Instead, I pretended I hadn't seen the ad. I folded the newspaper, put it away in the drawer and tried to ignore what I saw. However, trapped in the dilemma of choice, I hesitated whether I should hide the truth. It was not long before my husband and daughters came home and started to have fun with Molly. At the sight of the scene that they were playing happily, I couldn't help thinking about the owner's sincere lost-dog ad. Though it would be pretty hard to part with Molly, my moral code told me to make the right choice.