    日 星期   
Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves.
(一) 语言目标
1. 词汇:
(1) 能听懂、会说、认读词组keep our body clean, eat healthy food, feel happy, do exercise every day等。
(2) 听得懂、会说、会读、会写单词take care of, healthy, keep, exercise, jog等。
2. 句型:用“We should ...” “We can ...”和同伴表达自己对养成健康生活习惯的建议或想法。
(二) 应用目标
1. 能表达应该做某事。
2. 知道什么是良好的生活习惯,并能表达养成良好生活习惯应该做到的事情。
3. 能听懂、会说A部分的课文
(1) 能听懂、会说、认读新词组keep our body clean, eat healthy food, feel happy, do exercise every day。
(2) 能用“We should ...” “We can ...”和同伴表达自己对养成健康生活习惯的建议或想法。
(1) should的发音和运用。
(2) 对结构较为复杂的词组的理解和表达,如learn to take care of ourselves。因为学生初次接触,教师需引导学生读的时候根据意进行停顿,帮助学生按意来理解长句。
Step 1 热身/ 复习(Warm-up/Revision)
1. Game气球爆炸
现,第一批为单个动词,如sing, dance, draw, eat, drink, wash, swim, walk, run, listen, read;第二批为动词词组类,如sing a song, draw
pictures, eat fish, drink water, wash our face, wash hands, eat food, do eusic, watch TV, go to bed, read books。
2. Free talk
(1) 师生互动
T: What do you usually do?
S1: I usually listen to music.
T: What can you do?
S2: I can wash my clothes.
(2) 生生互动
Talk in pairs. What do you usually do? What can you do?
Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)
1. 情境创设:New Friend Mark
He was very fat. Now he is very happy, because Why? He is very healthy and strong.
教师介绍一位新朋友给大家认识,先出示Mark一张很胖的照片,说:Look, he is our new friend Mark. He was very fat, and he is a bit sad.然后再出示—张 Mark 的近照,说:But now, he is very happy, because he is very healthy and strong.借此复习 happy, strong,引出新词healthy,进行教授。注意th的发音。
(教师顺势板书healthy, strong, happy,为后面的学习和对课文的梳理做铺垫。)
2. New words楹联
(1) eat healthy food, should→to be healthy
①Listen to the sound.课件中播放Mark的录音:I want to be healthy. So I eat healthy food every day. 教师出示图片,问:Look, what does he eat? 学生说出食物名称:fish, vegetables, bread, milk, rice, apple, pear, orange,这时引导学生说出fruit。
②教学should eat healthy food。将单词教学融于情理之中来进行,才能使学生真正理解其意。
T: Mark eats fish, vegetables, fruit. They are the healthy food, so he is healthy. Do you want to be healthy?
S: Yes, we want to be healthy.
T: So what should we do?
进而教学“We should eat healthy food.”,板书在黑板上。
(2) keep our body clean→to be clean
Sister: How delicious! Let’s eat together!
Mark: No, we should wash our hands before eating.
T: Wash our hands, face and body.
Keep our body clean.(板书keep our body clean)
(3) do exercise every day, jog, take long walks→to be strong
教学方法同上,板书do exercise every day。
3. 操练词句
(1) “挑战记忆”小游戏
操作方法:先齐读板书“We should keep our body clean. We should eat healthy food. We should do exercise every day.”,两分钟强化记忆,教师计时,时间一到教师擦除画线部分的单词,比比谁能又快又准地写出来。
(2) “连词成句”小游戏
4. The dialogue
第一步:Listen, look and answer
整体感知课文大意。课件逐幅出示课文插图,与录音同步;学生一边静静倾听录音,一边观看图片,融入课文的情境之中。再回答:What did you hear?
第二步:Listen, point and find
第三步:Listen and repeat
第四步:Read and answer
We can/ want
keep our body clean
wash our hands,
face and body
eat healthy food
eat vegetables, fish, fruit
do exercise every day
run, jog, swim, walk
sing, dance and draw
第五步:Read and act
Step 3 趣味练习(Practice)
Task: How to take good care of ourselves?
1. 学生4〜6人为一组,选择一个话题。如:How to be healthy? How to be strong? How to be happy?
2. 组内合作,出谋划策,讨论记录。
八年级学情分析3. Act it out分工合作,由部分学生表演情境,组内其他成员用“We ”提出建议。
S1: How to be healthy?
S2 and S3: Let’s eat fast food, and the fried chicken is very nice.
Ss: We should eat healthy food and eat more fruit. It’s good for us.
S4: I’m very hungry. I eat 2 hamburgers, 3 eggs, a bowl of
Ss: Stop, you shouldn’t eat too much. You should take care of yourself.
1. 听录音,并模仿朗读课文,尝试根据课堂上完成的表格复述课文。
2. 为家人设计“温馨提示语”,如:We should keep our body clean. We should do exercise every day.
healthy, strong, happy
We should eat healthy food.
keep our body cleanhow to keep healthy
do exercise every day