Therewasonceuponatimeanoldgoatwhohadsevenlittlekids ,,dearchildr en, Ihavetog ointothefor est, beonyou rguardagain stthewolf, i fhecomesin, hewilldevou ryouall-ski n, hair, ande verything.
Thewretcho ftendisguis eshimself, b utyouwillkn owhimatonce byhisroughv oiceandhisb lackfeet.
Thekidssaid , dearmother , wewilltake goodcareofo urselves, yo umaygoawayw ithoutanyan xiety.
The ntheoldoneb leated, andw entonherway withaneasym ind.
Itwas notlongbefo resomeonekn ockedattheh ouse- dooran dealled, ope nthedoor,de archildren, yourmotheri shere, andha sbroughtsom ethingbackw ithherforea chofyou.
B utthelittle kidsknewtha titwasthewo If, bytherou
w ewillnotope nthedoor, cr iedthey, you arenotourmo ther.
Sheh asasoft, pie asantvoice, butyourvoic eisrough, yo uarethewolf .
Thenthew olfwentaway toashopkeep erandbought himselfagre atlumpofcha lk,, knocked atthedoorof thehouse, an dealled, ope nthedoor,de archildren, yourmotheri shereandhas broughtsome thingbackwi thherforeac hofyou.
Bu tthewolfhad laidhisblac kpawsagains tthewindow, andthechild rensawthema ndcried, wew illnotopent hedoor, ourm otherhasnot blackfeetli keyou, youar ethewolf.
Thenthewolf rantoa.baker andsaid, Iha vehurtmyfee t, rubsomedo ughoverthem forme.
And whenthebake rhadrubbedh isfeetover, herantothem illerandsai d,strewsome whitemealov
ermyfeetfor me.
Themil lerthoughtt ohimself, th ewolfwantst odeceivesom eone,受了点伤
andref used, butthe wolfsaid, if youwillnotd oit,,,thist hewayofmank ind.
Sonow thewretchwe ntforthethi rdtimetothe house- door, knockedatit andsaid, ope nthedoorfor me, children , yourdearli ttlemotherh ascomehome, andhasbroug hteveryoneo fyousomethi
heforestwit hher.
Thel ittlekidscr ied,firstsh owusyourpaw sthatwemayk nowifyouare ourdearlitt 1 emother.
Thenheputhi spawsinthro ughthewindo w, andwhenth ekidssawtha ttheywerewh ite,theybel ievedthatal lhesaidwast rue, mselves .
onespran gundertheta ble,theseco ndintothebe d,thethirdi ntothestove ,thefourthi ntothekitch en,thefifth intothecupb oard, thesix thunderthew ashing-bowl,andtheseve nthintothec lock-case.
Butthewolf foundthemal 1,andusedno greatceremo ny, oneafter theotherhes wallowedthe mdownhisthr oat.
Theyo ungest, whow asinthecloc k-case,, lai dhimselfdow nunderatree inthegreenm eadowoutsid
e,andbegant osleep.
So onafterward stheoldgoat camehomeaga infromthefo rest.
w hatasightsh esawthere.
Thehouse-d oorstoodwid eopen.
The table, chair s, andbenche swerethrown down, thewas
hing-bowlla ybrokentopi eces, andthe quiltsandpi llowswerepu
lledofftheb ed.
Shesou ghtherchild ren,butthey werenowhere tobefound.
Shecalledt hemoneafter anotherbyna me, butnoone answered.
Atlast, h eyoungest, a softvoicecr ied, dearmot her, Iaminth eclock-case .
Shetookthe kidout,
At lengthinher griefshewen tout, andthe youngestkid ranwithher.
whentheyc ametothemea. dow, therela ythewolfbyt hetreeandsn oredsoloudt hatthebranc hesshook.
Shelookedat himoneverys ideandsawth atsomething wasmovingan dstruggling inhisgorged belly.
Ah, heavens, she said, isitpo ssiblethatm ypoorchildr
enwhomhehas swalloweddo wnforhissup per, canbest illalive.
Thenthekidh adtorunhome andfetchsci ssors, andan eedlea ndthr eadandthego atcutopenth emonster’ ss tomach, andh ardlyhadshe makeonecut, thanonelitt lekidthrust itsheadout, andwhenshec utfarther,a llsixsprang outoneafter another, and wereallstil lalive, andh adsufferedn oinjurywhat
ever,forinh isgreedines sthemonster hadswallowe dthemdownwh ole.
whatr ejoicingthe rewas.
The yembracedth eirdearmoth er, andjumpe dlikeasailo rathisweddi ng.
Themot her, however ,said, nowgo andlookfors omebigstone s,andwewill fillthewick edbeast’ sst omachwithth emwhileheis stillasleep .
Thenthes evenkidsdra ggedtheston esthitherwi thallspeed, andputasman yoftheminto hisstomacha stheycouldg etin, andthe mothersewed nthegreates thaste, soth athewasnota wareofanyth ingandnever oncestirred .
whenthew olfatlength hadhadhisfi llofsleep, h egotonhisle gs, andasthe stonesinhis stomachmade himverythir sty, hewante dtogotoawel ltodrink.
Butwhenhebe gantowalkan dmoveabout, thestonesin hisstomachk nockedagain steachother andrattled. Thencriedhe,whatrumb lesandtumbl esagainstmy poorbones.
Ithought’ t wassixkids,
,theheavy stonesmadeh imfallin, an dhehadtodro wnmiserably .
whenthes evenkidssaw that, theyca merunningto