Smoking and Health
    Smoking is bad for health. Every year many people get ill because of it, Ninety percent of people who have lung cancer(肺癌)are somkers.
    Smoking is harmful to the health of the people around, too. So few people like staying together with smokers in our daily life. And smoking can cost you much money every year. If you are a smoker, you should try to give up smoking little by little. When you want to smoke, you can eat some nuts or sugars.
    Do you want to be in good health? Please stop smoking now.

1. keep healthy  保持健康
2. get old  衰老
承担近义词3. exercise a lot  多锻炼
4. early rising 早起
5. get ill 生病
6. have a balanced diet  平衡饮食
7. go to bed early  早睡
8. a good habit of sleeping  好的睡眠习惯
9. worry about one’s health 担心某人的健康
10. a healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式
11. be bad for health 对健康有害
12. be in good health 身体健康
13. never stay up late 从不熬夜
14. be stressed out  压抑的,精神紧张的
15. eat and drink too much 南宁大桥暴饮暴食四大名著手抄报

1. Exercise is good for your health. 锻炼有益于健康。
2. It’s good to run every day. 每天跑步有好处。
3. We should exercise often to stay healthy. 我们应该经常锻炼以保持身体健康。
4. Health is more important than wealth. 健康比财富更重要。
5. To keep healthy, we should eat healthy food. 要保持健康,我们应该吃健康的食品。
6. Health is very important to every one of us. 健康对于我们每个人都很重要。
7. To exercise every day is very necessary. 每天锻炼很有必要。
8. We should sleep well. 我们应该有好的睡眠
9. We should go to bed early and get up early. 我们应该早睡早起。
10. Please wash your hands before you eat. 吃饭前请洗手。
1. Exercise is good for our bodies. If we play sports every day, we will benefit a lot. If we play sports more, we will eat well, and then we will be more healthy! So everyday exercise is necessary!
2. If you want to be healthy, you must pay attention to the following. Firstly, you should get enough sleep, and do morning exercises every day. Secondly, you should have meals at regular time and do not hurry when you eat. Thirdly, when you come back from school, go out into the open air and play for an hour or so.
3. Health is happiness. Only when we are healthy, can we study and work happily. How can we keep healthy? I think we should exercise every day.
一、 你能从方框中选择合适的单词填入横线,使句子通顺吗?
weak    thirsty    balanced    important    unhealthy    stressed
1. If you eat bad food or drink cold water, you will be ___________.
2. Tony is ill. So he is very__________.
3. It is very _________to have a good lifestyle.
4. I’m very _________, and I want to drink more water.
5. He is ___________out before the football match.
6. Do you have a _________diet?
二、 你能根据你所积累的短语完成下列句子吗?
1. 我们都应该有健康的生活方式
We should have ___________  ____________.
2. 当你感到很累时,就应该好好休息。
When you _________ __________, you should ________ ________ _________ __________.
如何提高记忆3. 我夜里睡不好觉。
I __________ __________ __________at night.
4.  对于我们来说,吸烟是不好的。
  It’s bad __________ __________ _________ __________.
4. 学生们应该得到足够的睡眠。
过去分词是什么Students should get _________  _________.
三、 你能把下列打乱的单词重新排列,并组成通顺的句子吗?
1. often , you , tired, are
2. how to keep healthyeat,  diet,  you,  balanced, do, a
3. believes,  John,  important,  healthy,  have,  it’s, to ,  a , lifestyle
4. can, nobody, happily, live, health, without
5. to , should , try , we, healthy, keep
The Ways to Stay Healthy
___________________very important. It is necessary to know______________________.