My healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. Now, I’ll tell you about my healthy life.
I eat apples every day. A saying goes that, an apple a day keeps doctor away. And I always eat a lot of vegetables to keep health. In the evening, I like to do exercise on the playground like running and playing basketball.
怎样辨别真假蜂蜜Now, many people are not in good health. So why not have a walk after meals? You’re also supposed to drink more water and milk, and eat an egg every day. But I think the most important thing is that we have to be happy and confident every day.
In a word, health is very important for everyone. I’m sure if you have a habit and be happy, you’ll have a healthy life.
My healthy life
It’s very important for everyone to beep healthy first of all eat vegetables as much as poss
ible And then have a balanced diet,  I also eat some fruits and vegetables every day .On the one hand, I play basketball or run after school .On the other hand ,I drink milk every day .That can make our body stronger and stronger. What is more, I think you must have enough sleep every night, and you’d better not watch too much TV before going to the bed. Finally, we should remember one thing, eat an apple a day, keeps the doctor away!
In a word, I hope you will be happy every day, like me. And then you will have a healthy life成都二本院校有哪些学校.
how to keep healthyMy healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. If you want to keep healthy. You must have a good eating habit and playing sports every day. For example. I usually eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Because it is good for our health. Also you should eat eggs. Drink water and milk every day. Of course you had better not eat lots of ice-cream and meat. It will make you fat. For playing sports. I like playing basketball very much. You could play soccer or swim every day. It not only makes you happy but also helps you become health阿尔泰山脉
y. And you couldn’t play computer games. It is bad for your health. Finally,I think having enough sleep is very important too. In a word, having a good body is necessary and it is good for your study. I hope my advice can help you have a good body Best wishes!
My healthy life贫血吃什么东西补血最快
Health is very important for everyone. So please care about what you eat. My mother often asks me to eat fruits and vegetables to keep healthy. Sometimes I eat some meat. It can make me stronger. And for breakfast, I usually eat eggs and drink milk. Besides, I drink a lot of water every day. I don’t eat ice cream and burgers because they’re bad for my body. On the one hand, I care about my balanced diet. On the other hand, I keep healthy by playing sports. I usually play basketball after school and run with my father every day. It’s very important for me to have enough sleep, so I sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you want to be healthy, please keep happy. Happiness is the best medicine! In a word, eating healthy food, doing sports regularly and keeping happy make everyone healthy!
My healthy Life
Health is very important for everyone. I can give some of my ideas. First of all, I eat an apple every morning. I think eating lots of vegetables is good for our health. So, I eat vegetables every day. Don’t eat too much meat and ice-cream. And I often drink lots of water before going to bed. Playing sports is good for our health. I like to play tennis. I think we should do exercise every morning. We should have enough sleep every night. Don’t play computer games too much time. It’s important to have good dinner. I hope everyone can have a good healthy life.
My healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. And it’s not very difficult for us to be health. For me, having a good eating habit is the most important. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day, because they’re not only good for our eyes but also for our health. Remember, don’t eat too much meat or ice-cream, they're both junk food. If I were you, I would take a long walk before going to sleep instead of watching TV or playing computer games. We’re too t
ired after a busy day and we need to have enough sleep. Being happy and confident also help a lot. Don’t be angry all the time. I hope all of you will become healthier.
My Healthy Life
    Health is very important for everyone. I have some good ways of keeping healthy. The food you eat is the most important. Firstly, I always eat fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. They are really useful for me. Secondly, and I play sports and have enough sleep nearly every day. And the key to keep healthy is to be happy, confident forever! What’s more, you are not allowed to eat junk food anymore or play computer games for a long time. They are not only bad for your health but also influence your work much! In a word, I hope everyone can be healthy.
My healthy life
June 5th玉米粥血糖高能喝吗 is the World Environment Day. Since June 5th to 11th is Environment Protection Week. In that week many people will do different things.
The Environment Protection Week of this year, my classmates and I also did something different. We became volunteers that week. We did some clean for our school. As a volunteer, I handed out some advertisements about environment to people too. I told them it was very important to keep our earth clean. Because we have only one earth. We think this activity is great and educational.