必修三 Unit2 Healthy eating
Reading : Come and eat here(1)
Teaching Aims
1.Let students master some useful words and expressions about eating
2.Let students master two reading skills: Fast reading andhow to keep healthy Careful reading
3.Talk about how to keep healthy
Teaching  procedures
Step1  Warming-up and Lead-in
1.What did you have for lunch?
(Let students write down the answers on the blackboard)
2.Which diet do you think is healthy? Why?
富足的反义词3.What should we eat to keep healthy each day?(见幻灯片1)
(show 3 pictures about 3 kinds of healthy food)
设计说明三个问题的设计都是贴近学生的现实生活,所以有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。其中,有很多词汇学生不会用英语表达,要及时给学生补充,如“方便面”—instant noodles.
电影暴风骤雨Step2  Pre-reading
1.Do you like to eat in a restaurant?
(There are two restaurants mentioned in our passage)
(Let's come and eat here)
Step3  Fast reading
Scan the passage in four minutes and finish the following question
(Match the main idea of each part)
Part 1          Wang Peng follows his friend to a newly
Para1          opened restaurant which is very popular.
Part2          Wang Peng does some research in the
Para(2-3)      library to win his customers back.
Part3          Wang Peng is worried because his
Para4          restaurant is not full as usual.
Step4  Careful reading---Part 1(2 minutes)
棉白杨  Read the passage carefully and finish the following questions
1.How did Wang Peng feel at the restaurant ? Why?
2. When Wang Peng thought “nothing could be better”, he means____
A.  His food and drinks were the best.
B.  His food and drinks were the worst.
C.  His food should be improved.
D.  He could do nothing with his food
Careful Reading ---Part 2(4 minutes)
1. What made Wang Peng go into the new restaurant?
2. What is Wang Peng’s impression医疗机构管理条例实施细则(印象) on Yong Hui’s restaurant?
A.  All the customers in it were very thin.
B.  It was too small and too noisy.
C.  The food in it was very nice and better
D. Only little slimming food was served there,but the price was much higher.
Careful Reading ---Part 3(2 minutes)
1.What did Wang Peng find at the library?
2.True or False?
Wang Peng felt hopeless after going out of the library.
He decided to copy Yong Hui’s sign.
The competition between the two restaurants would begin.
Step 5  Fill in the form in 2 minutes
WangPeng’ restaurant
YongHui’ restaurant
kebabs,_____,Stir-fried vegetables,______, Mutton,____and____.
______, raw vegetables,
______ and ice cream
Only ______
Make people________
People become________
Serve too much______
Not enough_________
food,people become________quickly
Step 6  Summary
Wang Peng felt 1_____(frustrate) in his empty restaurant because no customers have come to his restaurant. He wanted to find out why. He hurried  2._____and followed Li Chang into a newly---opened restaurant.He found that the owner3._____(name) Yong Hui was serving slimming food to make people thin. 4._____(drive) by 5._____(curious), Wang Peng came forward to look at the menu.He could not believe his eyes.He was 6._____(amaze) at what he saw. He went to the library to do some research. After a lot of reading , he realized that Yong Hui’s food made people become tired  7.____(quick) .Wang Peng felt more 8.____(hope) as he drove back home.9._____(arrive) home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign.The 10.____(compete)between the two restaurants was on.
Step 7  Group discussion
As we all know, first wealth is health.How to keep healthy?
Now work in groups and discuss the question.
Step 8    Homework
假设你是李华,你的朋友Jenny 向你询问如何保持健康。请你给他发一个邮件提些建议。信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数
Dear Jenny,
How nice to hear from you! In your letter you asked me how to keep healthy.
                                                      Li Hua