How to Have a Healthy Breakfast?
By Dong Li Liu Xinglai Du Huixin
how to keep healthy
As the pace of life in the city speedsup, people'shealth has become a serious problem. However, as an important factor of health, breakfast seems to be ignored by many people. And it is necessary to know how to have a healthy breakfast. This consists of not only what you eat but also what time when you have breakfast. What's more, it will leave your body a heavy burden if you are used not to having breakfast. Introduction
With the speeding up of the pace of life, an increasing number of people choose to give up having breakfast. However, there is no doubt that it will have a negative impact on our health, because breakfast is of vital importance of human beings. And this paper will answer the following questions: What is the most appropriate time for breakfast? What should we eat in our breakfast? What is the health hazard of not having breakfast?
1. The most appropriate time for breakfast
We did a survey about breakfast situation among 100 college students, and the three charts above which are made in terms of the results shows that most of the students have a regular breakfast time and they have breakfast almost every day. And from the third chart, we can see that 65% students us
ually have breakfast between 7:30 and 8:00, while some students choose to have breakfast before 7:30 or after 8:00. So now comes the question: Is 7:30-8:00 the most appropriate time to have breakfast? Through research, scientists find that when people are sleeping at night, most of the organs can get full rest, however, the digestive organs are still working on the digestion and absorption of the residual food, and it will truly become the resting state until wee hours. If people have breakfast very early, it will affect the rest of digestive,
and the digestive system will remain a state of fatigue for a long time, which will absolutely disrupt gastrointestinal peristalsis and have a bad impact on people's health. Generally speaking, a person get up at 7:00 and then have breakfast after 20 or 30 minutes, and that is the most appropriate time because people's appetite is the most exuberant at that time. What's more, there needs to be a certain interval for 4 to 5 hours between breakfast and lunch, which is also to say that breakfast between 7:00 and 8:00 is appropriate.
2.What should we eat in breakfast.
From the two pie charts which match the statistics in our group’s questionnaire, we know that 9% students eat meat in the morning and 12% eat vegetables. Most students select cereal , like porridge 早餐店图片
and pancakes, and eggs and milk. And more students think they should eat vegetables and fruits in the morning. From this research we draw a conclusion that most college students attach much importance to the breakfast but they know little about how to eat well and nutritiously and have little interest to know it. So here we want to show some tips about what should we eat in our breakfast to keep ourselves energetic to study and work well.
2.1. Drink some water before you have breakfast.
When you get up, drink a cup of lukewarm boiled water. It has four advantages for our body. To start with, water can wake up every cell of our body in the sleep and make us feel refreshing and energetic to start a new day. Further more, water has the function of washing and cleaning our stoma
ch walls because our stomachs are e mpty after a whole night’s digesting. Then water has a laxative effect. At last, water can make our skin moist and elastic. So it is very beneficial to drink water in the morning.
2.2. Staple food is indispensable.
When people have a rest lasting more than 7 hours during the night, they consume much energy in their body, so the next day, if he or she wants to keep a good and energetic work or study condition in the morning, one needs to eat staple food to provide himself with enough carbohydrate to consume within about four hours before lunch. Many parents are obsessive in making a breakfast which only comprises milk and eggs. There is no doubt that these two foods are all very good for children’s health, but they can’t provide children adequate energy to ke ep them be at concert pitch to study effectively. Staple food contains starches and sugars like all kinds of pancakes and congee, which sometimes may has bean and peanut. They can be transformed into glucose quickly when they are absorbed into our body, so it is indispensable to eat staple food in the morning.
2.3.Have as a rich and nutritious breakfast as you can.
Scientists hold that your stomach digests food most quickly and thoroughly from 7 o’clock to 9 o’cloc
k in the morning, so seize the opportun ity to have a nutritious and rich breakfast to complement nutrient. Y our breakfast contains at least three kind of food ,which is among these four kind of foods: cereal, meat or eggs, milk or Legume food, and vegetables and fruits. Here I want to talk about the last kind of food:
vegetables and fruits. In our school’s canteen, we always see many people eat meat pie or meat bun without vegetables and fruits, especially some little children ,asked his mom to buy food which has meat instead of vegetables. Apple is a good choice for fruit. So we suggest our canteen should provide fruits in the morning.
3. The health hazard of not having breakfast .
According to our survey , a lot of college students attach great importance to the breakfast, which makes them insist to have breakfast every morning. In addition, as the second chart shows, the reason that they wake up too late to have no time to eat occupies the largest proportion, and loss of appetite or the habit of having breakfast may also cause this phenomenon. Therefore, do we really know that breakfast is of benefit to our health? And what is the harm if we don’t have breakfast? That is what we will discuss in the following.
Firstly, sometimes we believe that we can lose our weight without a breakfast. However, on the contrary , we may eat a lot during lunch and dinner, especially in the evening, which is easier to make people fat, if we don’t have breakfast. Secondly, it 41%
get up too late to lose weight
to save money
not having appetite not having the habit of having breakfast others