冀教版how to be healthy
1.The usual meal is one meat,one vegetable and one mushroom
Recently,the food and Agriculture Commission of the United Nations put forward a new slogan:21****the most reasonable dietary structure is six words:one meat,one vegetable and one mushroom.
First of all,there must be a meat dish,because people are omnivorous animals,and people cannot be completely vegetarian.After eating meat dishes,animal protein and advanced nutritional protein will be available.Second,we should have vegetarian dishes.After eating vegetarian dishes,we also have cellulose and minerals.It is very important to eat vegetarian food,which can make the stool unobstructed.Third,there must be mushrooms.Mushrooms are edible mushrooms.At present,more and more studies have found that edible fungi contain comprehensive nutrition in the diet,including lentinan,which is conducive to improving immunity and reducing cancer.
2.Peace of mind optimism is a super health medicine
What is a good mood?There must be kindness as well as kindness.Kindness is love,kindness and sincerity.Scientific research shows that more love leads to more release of endorphins,improved microcirculation and enhanced immunity.Love makes people healthy,kindness makes people beautiful,and sincerity makes people happy
萧萧 沈从文3.Average body not fat or thin eat less and eat more
how to keep healthy
What harm does obesity do to the body?In a word,insurance companies in the 1970s had statistics.
Overweight 1 kg,live 8 months less.According to the statistics again in the 1990s,the overweight was 1kg and the life lost was 4 months.No matter how few months you live less,being overweight will reduce your life.Obesity is the symbol of disease,and obesity is the exemption of aging.
If you want to get fat,learn from Japanese sumo wrestlers.If you want to get thinner,learn English aristocracy.The weight of Japanese sumo wrestlers is as high as 180 kg or even 200 kg.The reason is very simple:they only eat two meals a day and then go to bed.肥甘厚味
The reason why the British aristocrats are so well built is that they eat six meals a day,a small number of meals,have few fluctuations in blood glucose and blood lipids,and their overall metabolism is very stable.What if you can't eat six meals a day at work?You can also control three meals:eat more breakfast,lunch and less dinner.2/5 for breakfast,2/5 for lunch and 1/5 for dinner.In this way,the body will naturally become thinner and will not rebound.看电视的好处
In all happiness,human health is better than other happiness.We can say that a healthy beggar is much happier than a sick king.Those who cherish life must cherish health.Health is the capital of life.Ducks often use their mouths to take oil from the sacs at the tail and apply it to their feathers to make them smooth and waterproof.We should also take some time to take care of ourselves.
Investing in health is a decision with no risk but only return.
1.Knowledge investment:know a little medical knowledge.Bacon said,"people's understanding of physiological health knowledge is a kind of health medicine."Health pres
ervation is based on prevention.If you want to get early diagnosis and treatment without getting sick,get sick less or get sick on the forehead,you need to know the basic knowledge of blood bath and health care,and you need to know the way to nourish your spirit.Since ancient times,people who know health preservation and attach importance to self-care have lived longer.
2.Time investment:take some time to exercise.In real life,we sometimes feel sad to see that some people often succeed in their careers,but lose their health,and even die young.But they ignored such a truth:career and health are contradictory unity.Without a healthy body,what career can we talk about?When there is a conflict between health and career,you can take one step back and two steps forward.If you don't take one step back,health and career often end up together.
3.Perseverance Investment:find yourself some bitter food.The most important factor of fitness is regular and appropriate exercise,which can activate the potential of various systems and organs of the human body to the greatest extent,promote the strengthening
of physique,and keep the body function in the"best state"for a long time.Forging is beating with a heavy hammer,and refining is burning with fire.Those who are willing to exercise must ask for hardship.A survey shows that middle-aged people can increase their life by 10-25 years if they keep exercising.
If you conquer yourself,you will enjoy the happiness of health.
4.Consumption and Investment:spend some money to sell health.So how to"spend money on health"?Health knowledge is the health product of**.Should be willing to spend money to buy books and newspapers to guide health care;The most commonly used fitness tools for fitness equipment should be willing to"invest"in this regard as appropriate;Starting from the reality of fitness,we should adjust our diet,pay attention to the reasonable collocation of food,eat for nutrition,and spend money on nutrition,not on"food".