Unit1 keeping Healthy
1.Knowledge aim:To enable students master the four skill phases:go to bed,eat too much candy,eat too much meat,exercise every day
2.Ability aim:To enable the student use the new phrases to talk about how to be healthy.
3.Emotional aim:To increase the students sense of keeping healthy
To enable the students master the four skill phrases.
Let students know the importance of keeping healthy
Step 1 Warming up
2.Sing a song
(I feel great, but Yaoyao doesnt happy today. Why? Lets listen together)善待失意
  T:She watched a lot of TV, so he had a headache ,Its not good for healthy. Today, we will learn how to keep healthy---lead in title
  Step 2 New Teaching
how to keep healthy
T:To keep healthy, there are something we should do and we shouldn’t do (Use smile face and sad face and spell we should and we shouldnt)
T:OK! I think all of you are great doctors .Lets
Help these four boys. Listen to him carefully. What s his problem?
(Use the radio to explain the phrases and practice them one by one .Teacher helps to correct  the  pronouncation)
Step 3 Practice
A .Im fastest
(Put the phrases in different direction and let
the students say the phrases according to the
teachers orders.)
B.Let中专生自我鉴定s chant
C.Lets talk
(work in group and talk about how to keep healthy.One student shows the card and the other say the related sentence.)
D Think and write
(Look at picture and write down your advice on the paper then share it)
Step 4 Post-task
Show the picture of the fastest woman in the world  and discuss what should she do? what shouldn’t she do?
Step 5 Summary
Step 6 Homework
1.write 2 suggestions to your parents
2.Preview lesson 2 and circle the words you cant  understand .
Sing a song together
Listen to the radio and
talk about how to be healthy
Listen and repeat the
Work in group to talk
about  how  to
keep healthy
Write advice on paper
Give  advice to the
fattest woman