Calamity Brings Out One’s Best Qualities(2005)
A famous saying goes that “calamity brings out one’s best qualities”, by which is meant that adversity or misfortunes can force one to work at his best and make unexpected achievements. More often than not, people living in comfort would feel contented and find no need to strive or achieve. However, when calamity befalls, he loses what he used to depend on. Therefore, his potential might be tapped and realized, leading to his success.
Actually, history abounds with examples of people achieving success after they ran across a calamity or calamities. For instance, Confucius, the earliest and greatest educator in Chinese history, completed his famous work Spring and Autumn only after he met a series of setbacks and experienced bitterness of life. Another case in point might be Hua Y anjun, or Abing, the well-known folk musician in recent China. As a blind man, he lived at the lowest level of the society before liberation. But it might just be his sufferings that had brought out his best qualities as a musician and enabled him to create the most reputable erhu melody, his masterpiece The Moon in Two Springs.
The same is true in scientific research. This does not mean that all the scientists have experienced calamities in their life. But it does refer to the fact that most of them lead a simple and even modest life a
s calamities have made it be. In that way, they can focus all their attention and energy on what they research, which lead to their achievements.
In short, calamity does not mean the end of life. On the contrary, it might arouse people’s fever to fight. We do not have to seek or create calamities, but we do have to have the sense of responsibility and work for the interest of the nation and the whole mankind society.
[Calamity brings out one’s best cha ractersJust as the sweet-smelling,which is of the plum blossom,is from the coldest winder training , the calamity is contributing to an important extent to the development of one’s characters .It's said that two views about calamity are in our society. Some people consider it a beneficial for one’s bring-up, but some think it not. Why ?(这里加点儿什么,感觉到这里突然断掉了。应该稍微剖析一下原因。)In my opinion ,calamity is a challenge for our limited ability . it is a positive way to improve our society capability , and will temper one’s best characters .It is impossible for everyone meeting no calamity all their life . if we are not about to face various calamity during your life , we may lose some important chances. 举例的部分改一下,例子不是很好。what is more ,calamity is playing a vital role to enh ance one’s quality. Firstly ,it teaches us how to solve problem .secondly ,it tells us what to cherish happiness. At last ,it give our some pressure help ourselves to be/get stronger and stronger . Last but no least , everyone know the coin has two sides. If we want to succeed,we mus
t overcome calamity's inactive aspect.)
Groups and Organizations to People(2006) Most people belong to t least one group or organization. These groups of people include social clubs, special interest groups, sports teams, classmates and workmates. Such organizations play an important part in people’s lives today because they provide both material and personal benefits.
Both formal and informal organizations can provide their members with material benefits. For example, membership in an exercise class offers the benefit of improved health. In addition, organizations, which work toward a specific goal such
as passing legislation or improving a neighborhood, allow people to achieve that goal more efficiently by working together. Most organizations also provide personal benefits, the most important of which is a sense of belonging. When people choose to ally themselves with a group, it becomes part of their identity. In the group, they can find people of like-minded interests and feel like part of a team.
In conclusion, organizations and informal groups of people are important in our lives because they provide us with many advantages.
Groups or organizations are an important part of our life because we are social people. We like to get together with people whose attitudes and beliefs are like ours.The most important groups for us are our families,our religious organizations,and our political organizations.
Our families are obviously our most important group.Y ou will never find the physical and emotional support from any other group that you will find in your family.Y our family is part of you;you are tied to them by blood.They will always be there for you.
Similarly our religious organizations can provide comfort for us in times of stress.When we are with people who have the same beliefs,we feel better.Our beliefs are based on tradition.These beliefs have been tested over time.These beliefs tell us how to respond and how to act.
Our political organizations change as we change.Some years we may feel conservative;other years we may feel more liberal.Whatever our political philosophy,we can find a political organization that matches our thinking at the moment.Those political organizations help us be a part of the larger community.
Whether the group is tightly knit like a family,spiritual like religion,or secular like politics,they all serve a function in our life.They all help us feel as if we belong.How to Prevent Academic Dishonest
It is shown that the problems of academic dishonesty problems have been increasingly serious than before in the college. Some copy from classmates to save the time; some cut and paste sentences from the Internet; some even worse, they simply download the paper to hand in as their homework. These behaviors of plagiarism are
harmful to the students, if we don't fight against the problem, we will find the corruption and destruction of academic research. So it is high time for us to try utmost to prevent the problem.
The first and most important thing to reduce the severity of the problem is to encourage the personal creativity, in which the students just pay attention to finish their assignments. Students cannot improve their abilities just by downloading papers from the Internet without their own thi nking and working. What’s worse, once students get used to academic cheating, they may also cheat in other cases in the future, which will be very dangerous for them. Only by their independent thinking can they achieve their academic degree, and improve personal accomplishment.
To prevent academic dishonesty on campus, some punishment by the school may be necessary. But the most important thing is to increase the communication between the teachers and the students, and
make them aware of the fact that copying others’ work cannot bring them any knowledge and that only by working hard can they improve themselves. Nowadays, some professors just give their lecture without knowing any student so that the less reactions between them making the problem worse. By way of contrast, the students dare not to copy and cheat in academic research.
The third remedy is to highlight the harmful effects of the academic dishonesty causing the attentions among the faculty. Because of the cheating, students who should win lots of honors, losing their scholarship, recommendations and admission to advanced programs. Teachers must create enough pressure for the students to discourage potential cheaters. Ultimately, the students must be willing to do their own to fulfill their homework to gain truthfully achievement.
Academic dishonesty undermines the value of university degrees, scholarship, and it hinders intellectual progress. Only when we treat plagiarism as seriously as it deserves to be treated will we accomplish the first step toward the elimination of various forms of unethical academic behaviors on our campuses.
My idea of professional ethics for a scientist (2008)
When it comes to professional ethics, for a scientist, we have many arguments about them, some peo
ple suggest that what is the most important is not his professional achievements but his professional ethics. However, other people disagree with it, they believe that scientist should bring us high-tech innovations and we all
benefit from them regardless of their professional ethics.
As far as I am concerned, I would like to prefer the former. First of all, scientists, unlike other ordinary people, have more influences on the society, their words and actions in science research can affect many people ,especially students and intellectuals in the college. In other words, they can change their values in science. Therefore scientists should be committed to their responsibility of the society and ensure that they are genuine and sincere in professional ethics.
Secondly, keeping the fair and impartial attitude to science is another vital element in research region. According to the recent reports in the newspaper and online, academic fraud issues have become more and more popular in academic circles, it seriously damaged the social values system and intellectual sentiments.
Finally a breakthrough in science depends on those scientists who adhere to scientific spirits, the core of which is true innovation. Scientists , lacking of professional ethics ,can not reach the pinnacle of scie
In a word, it is time that we should put rhe most importance on the professional ethics. For we do need them!
Computer and Man(2009)
An interesting saying goes that “It is not a real danger that the computer thinks like man, but that man thinks like the computer”, which best describes the troublesome situation that the computer confronts mankind with.
Undoubtedly, the computer has developed an exceedingly high speed of calculation and alarmingly capacity of storage in the past decades ever since it was invented. It is even deemed smarter than human beings by some people and is believed to be able to defeat and enslave man in the future.
plum blossomHowever, this is far less dangerous than the fact that man tends to think like a computer, by which is meant that mankind has developed too serious a dependence on the computer, so much so that they have lost their mentality and creativity. Taking a look around, one can find instances too many to enumerate: people go too quickly to the computer for answers to questions; they seldom give much th
ought about what they have been given or what they have stored; they have become mere memorizers or transmitters of information.
Such being the case, it is essential that measures be taken before things get worse. In the first place, one should think independently first when confronted with a problem or question; in the second place, he or she should regard information online in a critical manner. Only by so doing can we make full use of the computer while avoiding being manipulated by it.
On Maintaining Trust(2010)
Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that trust crisis has been a grave problem with which this nation is confronted. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. A case in point is that KFC, one of the most famous fast-food restaurants in the world, is being doubted in China because of its problematic chicken. Just as the saying goes, “It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.”
A number of factors can account for such a crisis, but the following might be the critical ones. The first and most important one is that there still lack powerful laws and their rigid enforcement in this country. As a result, dishonest deeds can be conducted at a rather low cost. Secondly, for this reason or that, th
e public are still unaccustomed to claiming their rights when cheated. Last but not least, the declining level of morality and atmosphere of chasing money seem to have made it normal to gain profits by dishonest means.
In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that severer laws and regulations be worked out and enacted to ban various dishonest behaviors and maintain trust among society. Secondly, the public should enhance their awareness of protecting their rights and upholding social justice. With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time before trust crisis becomes a thing of the past.
On Maintaining Trust(2011)
A famous saying goes “It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it”, which means that trust cannot be won easily, but it can be lost with little effort. In other words, either a community or a person should mind its or his behavior; otherwise, the hard gained good reputation will evaporate in a minute.
History abounds with examples to testify the truth of this saying. Even if one takes a look around, he or she can find examples too numerous to list. Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than
what has happened to KFC recently. As one of the most famous fast-food restaurants in the world, it is being doubted in China because of its problematic chicken. Indeed, the company has endeavored very vigorously in the past years to erect a positive image in this country: calling for donations to the underprivileged groups, sponsoring sports events and the like. However, the entire mansion of its reputation collapsed in seconds after the news spread wildly online that its raw materials are doubtable in quality.
In short, prudence is essential if a person or an organization wants to maintain trust from others. At every step, weigh in mind the significance that his or its behavior has to the future. And remember, Rome was not built in a day, but it can be destroyed overnight.
To curb spending(2012)