  1. only incompetent management, no useless talents.
  2. Society is a mirror. You think you are great, but in fact you are ridiculous.
plum blossom  3. Time is like a net, where you sow, where you reap.
  4. Give life a dream, give the dream a way, give the road a direction!
  5. No difficulty is the reason why you give up.
  6. The strong raise the sails of life in the torrent, while the weak are infatuated with the ease of life on the beach.
  7. Sometimes, the person who suits you best is the person you least expect.
  8. When you want to lose something, please think about it and dont lose face.
  9. If you dont frown in your life, there should be no toothless people in the world.
  10. The best love, there must be regret. That regret turns into lingering sound, and it will be noticed for a long time.
  11. Its wrong to get married hastily. Never divorce hastily.
  12. If you go through a bad life with a smile, you will win.
  13. The seas run dry and the rocks crumble, but if you fly together, you will die.
  14. I always thought that people grow old slowly, but they dont. People grow old in an instant.
  15. Time has gradually taken away the young and frivolous, and slowly precipitated self-knowledge.
  16. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, and if you want to hold a rose, you must bear its injury.
  17. The hardest thing is not to forgive others, but to forgive yourself.
  18. If a person cannot forgive others from the heart, he will never feel at ease.
  19. A wise mans eyes grow on his head, while a fools eyes grow on his back.
  20. Life may deceive you, but you must not deceive life.
  21. There is no life without progress, only people without progress!
  22. The trend of ambition, no distance, no limit; Its invulnerable to what you want.
  23. Dont expect anyone to accompany you for the rest of your life, and dont even accompany you when there is no light.
  24. You should understand a person, not by listening with your ears, but by seeing with your eyes.
  25. It is a triumph of reason to convince yourself.
  26. Whoever can make good use of the daytime all his life will surely live a greater life.
  27. A true strong man does not want to overwhelm everything, but does not give in to all difficulties.
  28. Take others too seriously, only to be regarded as nothing by others.
  29. People always cherish what they dont get and forget what they have.
  30. If you dont give up in one second, there will be hope in the next.
  1. The most difficult thing in life is not to work hard or struggle, but to make the right choice.
  2. When you are surrounded by vain people, you will feel like a monster. Its too easy to satisfy what you have. Its easy to believe that money is not everything, but there is nothing wrong with it. The price of vanity is ashamed of feelings, so we should have a calm heart to treat it.
  3. Everyone is making plans for his own life, and will not stay for anyone.
  4. Dont live in the shadow of the past, treat every day as a new day of life, and life will be colorful.
  5. I drink alone, travel alone, and face the cruelty of the world alone.