my favorite mountain的作文
In my memory, during my childhood, I often heard elders discussing it and praising it. Since then, I have been interested in it. If I want to understand it, I like Huangshan. Now I know Huangshan very well and have strong feelings for it, because it is my favorite mountain and the symbol of my hometown - Huangshan.
plum blossomMount Huangshan is located in the south of Anhui Province and spans four counties - she County, she County, Taiping and Xiuning. The earth's crust movement more than 100 million years ago made Mount Huangshan rise on the ground. Later, after the erosion of Quaternary glaciers, it gradually became what it is today. Huangshan is a famous scenic spot with magnificent, solemn and charming scenery. Mount Huangshan was called Yishan in the Qin Dynasty. It was named in 747 (the sixth year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty).
I like Huangshan for many reasons. I like its beautiful scenery.
In my opinion, Mount Huangshan is a miracle: in an area of 154 square kilometers, there are
many peaks. These peaks are granite bodies, usually connected by vertical joints. Erosion and fracture caused these rocks to become huge stone pillars, forming peaks and deep valleys. When the sky is overcast, these mountains are hidden in the mist, like an illusion. When the sky is clear, they display their majesty and magnificence. The color and shape of Huangshan change with the change of seasons. In spring, flowers in full bloom are colorful, dotted with hillsides everywhere; In summer, you can see the green peaks one after another, and the springs are gurgling merrily; Autumn disguises the whole Huangshan Mountain as a red and purple world, which is the season when maple trees are red; Winter turns the mountains into a world of ice and fog, with silver branches and silver stones everywhere. Therefore, since ancient times, many tourists have come to Huangshan to explore its mystery and marvel at its beauty.
I like the clear yellow mountain hot spring.
The hot springs in Huangshan are well-known all over the country. They were discovered and developed more than a thousand years ago. The hot springs of Huangshan Mountain o
riginate at the foot of Ziyun peak. No matter how serious the drought or flood is, they never dry up. Huangshan Hot Spring belongs to the high-temperature carbonate type, which has a good therapeutic effect on many diseases, such as metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the digestive system, nervous system and motor nervous system. These springs are exceptionally clear, and the temperature is maintained at 42 ° C throughout the year. They can be drunk and bathed.
I like the strange rocks in Huangshan.
The grotesque rocks in Huangshan are the result of nature. The landform of Mount Huangshan experienced great changes during the Quaternary glacial period. For hundreds of years, under the infiltration and erosion of glaciers, some rocks cracked and some collapsed. Because of years of exposure to nature, the rocks slowly take on a variety of forms. At the lower part of Taohua Creek and Yungu temple, the huge stones with the words "Longtou", "Hutou", "charming" and "eternal" were washed here by glaciation. There are also many strange rocks in Huangshan, such as "immortal points the way", "magpie as
cends the plum blossom", "the 18 Arhats in the South China Sea", "fairy basks in boots", "squirrel jumps into the sky", "golden rooster crows the gate of heaven", "monkey views the sea", "boy worships Guanyin", "flying stones"... Huangshan strange rocks are scattered everywhere, which is simply a museum of natural sculpture
Huangshan, you are my favorite mountain. Your scenery is so beautiful, your rocks are so strange, your water is so clear, and your clouds are Huangshan, you are a yearning place, and your hometown is famous for your strangeness.
Huangshan, you are my favorite mountain. When I grow up, I will make you more beautiful and strange than now